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黄瘤长在皮肤上的一种桔黄色瘤子或丘疹,其中充满油脂。Filled nodule or papule in the skin, often on an eyelid or over a joint.

病人于此肿瘤切除后三年期间并无复发。There has been no recurrence three years after total excision of this papule.

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目的分析丘疹型皮肤念珠菌病的诊断和治疗。Objective To analyze the diagnosis and treatment on papule cutaneous moniliasis.

总之,这会导致丘疹的形成,这是一个红色的凸出的皮肤症状。Together, this causes a papule to form, which is a red, raised bump on the skin.

一丘疹,是一个小型固体病变轻度增高露出水面的皮肤。A papule is a small solid lesion slightly elevated above the surface of the skin.

一位二十三岁女性近一年来左手掌有一慢慢长大、具压痛感、带紫色、坚实的丘疹。A 23-year-old woman had a slow-growing violaceous tender firm papule at left palm for 1year.

皮肤活检显示丘疹的边缘隆起处有角化不全鸡眼样板。Skin biopsy revealed that papule contained cornoid lamellae on the top of the raised border.

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这粒丘疹满含细菌,可以持续3至6个月,之后自然消退。This papule is full of the organisms and may persist for 3-6 months followed by natural healing.

结论伊曲康唑治疗丘疹型皮肤念珠菌值得临床应用。Conclusion We found that itraconazole would be worth exploring in treatment of papule type cutaneous moniliasis.

我们报告一例75岁男性病人,在其右脸颊出现一个豌豆大小、呈现皮肤色泽的圆形丘疹,有10年以上的病史,同时肿瘤的中央部位则出现表皮破损的情形。We describe a 75-year-old male patient with one pea-sized, skin-colored, round papule with central erosion over his right cheek for more than 10 years.

本病例是一位66岁的女性病患在右边耳后有一豌豆大小的无症状棕色丘疹,发现大约有十年之久。Herein, we describe a 66-year-old female patient who had a pea-sized, brownish, asymptomatic papule over her right postauricular area for about 10 years.

两组浸提液皮内注射后均未引起家兔实验区的红斑及水肿反应,提示材料对动物机体没有刺激性。Intradermal injection No erythema papule and nodule were observed after intradermal injection in both groups indicating that the material has no stimulation to the body.

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方法通过临床表现、真菌镜检及真菌培养诊断为丘疹型皮肤念珠菌病2例。Methods 2 cases of patients diagnosed as papule type cutaneous moniliasis were analyzed concerning clinical feature. microscopic examination of fungal and fungal culture.

尖锐湿疣常需与生殖器癌、扁平湿疣、假性湿疣、生殖器鲍温样丘疹病及珍珠样丘疹病鉴别。Acuteness wet wart often needs cancer, as compressed as genital Baowenyang papule disease and disease of pearl appearance papula differentiate wet wart, false sex wet wart, genital.