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种族大屠杀遇难者纪念碑。Memorial to the victims of genocide.

卢旺达陷于种族灭绝的阵痛。Rwanda was in the throes of genocide.

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必须提供什么来证明种族灭绝?What must be shown to prove genocide?

我们洁身自好,却眼见种族灭绝吞没卢旺达。We stay out, and watch genocide engulf Rwanda.

人们如何看待种族大屠杀?How do the people victimized by the genocide respond?

达尔富尔的种族灭绝使我们所有的良知蒙羞。The genocide in Darfur shames the conscience of us all.

天启式的种族灭绝和“别轻信古龙水?对啊,-是的。Apocalyptic genocide and "go easy on the cologne"?Yeah. yes.

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巴希尔因在达尔富尔的战争罪的种族大屠杀而受到统计。He is wanted on charges of war crimes and genocide in Darfur.

他们对移民进行了种族灭尽。They've launched a campaign of genocide against the immigrants.

防止灭绝种族罪是集体和个人的责任。Preventing genocide is a collective and individual responsibility.

普京说,有迹象表明对南奥塞梯人进行了种族清洗。Mr. Putin said there were signs of genocide against the Ossetian people.

圣经上讲得都是事实,因此种族灭绝有时无法避免。Everything in the Bible is true therefore genocide is sometimes desirable.

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人类历史上最迅雷不及掩耳势的种族屠杀,因第一次空难而师出有“名”。The first crash served as the pretext for the swiftest genocide in history.

让他始终感到懊悔的是,他对1994年卢旺达种族屠杀不闻不问。To his lasting regret, he turned a blind eye to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

他们是为了清洗自己种族灭绝的罪名,请求重新加入人类社会。To cleanse themselves of genocide and apply for re-admission to the human race.

同情心的缺失会滋生出反社会行为,冷血的谋杀,甚至屠杀。The absence of empathy fosters antisocial behavior, coldblooded murder, genocide.

没有看到在欧洲自第二次世界大战以来的种族灭绝行为是克拉伊纳驱逐?Was the Krajina expulsion an act of genocide not seen in Europe since World War II?

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这个审议民族灭绝罪的特别法庭的一位发言人说,农谢已被特别法庭扣押。A spokesman for the genocide tribunal said Nuon Chea has been placed in its custody.

但是很显然卢旺达的种族灭绝并不仅仅是胡图族与图西族族群仇视的结果。But clearly the Rwanda genocide was the result of more than Hutu-Tutsi ethnic hatred.

但是,这一破坏和种族灭绝的运动会涉嫌侵犯隐私。But this campaign of destruction and genocide raises some potential privacy concerns.