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意大利香肠,菠菜洋葱,白豆,苹果,龙蒿汁。Salami, spanish onion, white beans, apple, tarragon dressing.

意大利香肠,菠菜洋葱,白豆,苹果,龙蒿汁。Salami, spanish onion, whellote beans, apple, tarragon dressing.

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搭配熏三文鱼佐以莳萝、龙蒿或梨子沙拉味道鲜美可口。Smoked salmon with creamy dill and tarragon dressing or proscuttio and pear salad.

剁碎它并且加入一些芫荽及一束龙蒿。Roughly chop greens along with leaves of a half bunch parsley and a bunch tarragon.

黑莓果酱和雪松香味突出新鲜的龙蒿味道。Blackberry jam and cedar aromas are highlighted by intriguing notes of fresh tarragon.

可使用柠檬汁替代醋、也可根据喜好加入新鲜紫苏和牛至叶。Lemon juice can be substituted for vinegar and fresh basil and tarragon can also be used.

龙蒿草烟熏三文鱼薄片,威廉生梨酱,有机西芹苗。Tarragon cured salmon carpaccio, lightly smoked, Williams pear puree, organic celery shoots.

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加入土豆、水或者汤、龙蒿枝和橙皮,火力调至煨汤档。Add the sweet potatoes, water or stock, tarragon sprigs and orange zest, and bring to a simmer.

把龙蒿及鱼放入忌廉汁中煮2分钟,使忌廉汁的味道渗入鱼肉内。Place tarragon and trout in cream sauce for about 2 minutes to let it imbrue in the cream sauce.

最好用新鲜的龙蒿的需要,而有节制地使用,因为它辛辣的口味。It is best to use fresh Tarragon which needs to be used rather sparingly because of its pungent taste.

把黄油加入汤汁,搅拌直到融化,放入切碎的龙蒿叶,舀到每个盘子里。Stir the butter into the bouillon and when it has melted add the tarragon leaves. Spoon a little into each plate.

还有一道加了意式芝士和龙蒿油的南瓜丸子,其灵感源自传统的西西里油炸饭团。A pumpkin arancini with ricotta and tarragon oil was a fresh take on the traditional deep-fried Sicilian rice balls.

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侧味香菜用于色拉和煎蛋饼,由欧芹、细香葱、龙蒿和细叶芹制成,有时也包括百里香和迷迭香。Fines herbes are used in salads and omeletgtes and consist of parsley chives tarragon and chervil and sometimes also thyme and rosemary.

端午节前后,人们除了吃棕子、插艾叶以外,还要给孩子们带上香囊。Before and after Dragon Boat Festival, people should take the fragrant bag for the children besides eating to the brown son, inserting the tarragon.

把甜茴香刮去表面或者用小刀切碎段,放入碗中和橙汁、橙子皮,醋、油一起混合调味,随后加入一些龙蒿叶。Shave the fennel on a mandolin or slice very finely with a knife. Put in a bowl with the orange juice, zest, vinegar and the oil, and season. Mix well, then add the tarragon.

厨师们用指尖将一片片的酢浆草叶掐下来,折叠并摆放在手工削制的生牛肉泥上,搭配杜松粉和龙蒿泥。Cooks use their fingertips to pluck, fold and position single leaves of wood sorrel into a coat that is place over hand-scraped beef tartare. Juniper dust, left, and tarragon paste are on the plate.