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安妮在冰雪节的造型。Annie at Jack Frost.

安妮有一只宠物猫。Annie has a pet cat.

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华尔德把一个盒子递给安妮。Walter gives a box to Annie.

安妮·威克斯我有这把枪。Annie Wilkes I have this gun.

与陈太和阿钟在一起。With Annie Chan and Ah Chung.

可我太想演安妮了。I wanted to be Annie so badly.

跟莉莉和安妮说再见。Say good-bye to Lily and Annie.

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蒂娜正在打电话向安妮求助。Tina is calling Annie for help.

安妮穿上了结婚礼服。Annie puts the wedding dress on.

在洒店里,安妮打电话给贝姬。In hotel, Annie is calling Becky.

安妮和华尔德在一家餐厅。Annie and Walter are at a restaurant.

在1866年会见了安妮牧师坦诚贝赞特。In 1866 Annie met the Rev. Frank Besant.

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简而言之,陈羽凡就是翻版的伊能静。In short, Chen Yufan is the new Annie Yi.

安妮和杰克抓住绳梯,开始向上爬。Annie and Jack started up the rope ladder.

莉莉在彼特和安妮的中间。Lily sits in the middle of Peter and Annie.

你不宜讲这么多话,安妮。You oughtn't to be talking so much , Annie.

嗨!安妮。你在这里看见我的帽子了吗?Hey. Annie. Have you seen my hat around here?

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你应该联系一下安妮,看看她是否有时间。You should hit up Annie to see if she has time.

在舞台的后面梅格·吉利看着安妮·索雷丽。Behind the stage Meg Ciry looked at Annie Sorelli.

艾伯特姨父想要她的钱给他妻子安妮。Uncle Albert wanted her money for his wife, Annie.