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凯特·米德尔顿来自波克夏的中产阶级。Kate Middleton is a middle-class woman from Berkshire.

如果波克夏惹上麻烦,就是我的错。If Berkshire ever gets in trouble, it will be my fault.

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巴菲特将辞去可口可乐董事,以便投注更多时间在波克夏公司。Buffet will leave Coca Cola's board to spend more time at Berkshire.

提亚在她5岁时被伯克郡的一户人家收养。She was adopted by a family in Berkshire when she was five months old

这种傻瓜式拥有者分享了伯克希尔公司并且拥有公开的政策。The Fool owns shares of Berkshire Hathaway and has a disclosure policy.

不过,这正是巴菲特退休之后伯克希尔哈撒韦可能的发展方向。But that is what Berkshire may well come to resemble after Mr. Buffett retires.

因此,只要现年78岁的巴菲特仍然执掌,我信任。So I trust Berkshire Hathaway while 78-year-old Mr Buffett remains at the helm.

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伯克希尔哈撒韦尚未立即回覆询问.Omaha, Nebraska-based Berkshire did not immediately return a request for comment.

帕特里克表示,芒格经常谈到韦斯科公司总有一天会成为伯克希尔哈撒韦的一部分。Kilpatrick says Munger has often said Wesco would become part of Berkshire one day.

在2010年2月,BNSF已经变成股神巴菲特的伯克希尔有限公司的子公司。BNSF became a subsidiary of Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway Inc in February 2010.

在同一时期,他参加了伯克希尔在坦格伍德音乐中心。During the same period, he participated in the Berkshire Music Center at Tanglewood.

我们的保险事业,波克夏的核心,是事业的发电机。Our insurance operation, the core business of Berkshire , is an economic powerhouse.

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被英冠球队逼平使得队员们都很不爽。Liverpool were left frustrated after being held by the Championship side in Berkshire.

我们的保险业务——波克夏的基石——去年表现非常完美。Finally, our insurance business the cornerstone of Berkshire had an excellent year.

我们的保险业务——波克夏的基石——去年表现非常完美。Finally, our insurance business – the cornerstone of Berkshire – had an excellent year.

至少我们还有伯克希尔股东大会的结果可以期待。At least we have the aftermath of the Berkshire shareholders' meeting to look forward to.

以上述投票委托书来看,伯克希尔董事会的风险监督看来非常薄弱。Using the proxy as a guide, the Berkshire board's risk oversight appears to be very weak.

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很多人在伯克郡社区学校学习且在当地企业进行实习。Many take classes at Berkshire Community College and have internships at local businesses.

多数公司在信贷危机中挣扎时,波克夏公司仍在进行交易。While firms were fighting for their lives in the credit crisis, Berkshire kept doing deals.

萨里郡、白金汉郡、汉普郡及贝克郡现已跻身于全球35个最昂贵地区之列。Hampshire and Berkshire are now among the top 35 most expensive property areas in the world.