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一个储户又能做什么呢?What's a saver to do?

我在找一个大的电视柜。I'm looking for a space saver.

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那有百年灵的屏保吗?Is there a Breitling screen saver?

自动键盘锁和播放屏保。Auto Keylock and play screen saver.

这部机器是一部名副其实的省时装置。This machine is a real time- saver.

立即启动技嘉独特的动态节能技术!Launch your Dynamic Energy Saver today!

那么,你属于哪种投资者和储蓄者呢?So, what kind of investor and saver are you?

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发现一个爱好,活动或兴趣可以成为我们生活中的“救生圈”。Finding a hobby, activity, or interest can be a life saver.

天气潮湿时乾衣机可帮了大忙了。The clothes-dryer was a life- saver during the wet weather.

在视频播放过程中不会激活屏保The screen saver is not activated when the video is playing

简易雇员退休金计划是由储户控制的简易的投资帐户。SEP IRAs are simple investment accounts controlled by the saver.

她手机用的壁纸是伊拉克地图的剪影。Her cell-phone screen saver is a silhouette of the state of Iraq.

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平放能够俭省冷冻室的空间并且简化了消融。The flat storage is a great space saver in the freezer and simplifies thawing.

您可以在您的爱车里放一个小急救箱来保护您宠物的安全,以备不时之需。A small first aid supply kit kept in your car can be a live saver for your pet.

耳节电器是一个很小的电线,介于你的音乐播放器和音乐之间。The Ear Saver is a small wire that sits between your player and your headphones.

另外有一个高效节省时间的方法,就是在你整理论文的过程中,在文档资料中写入索引目录。Another big time saver is to write your references in a text file as you go along.

多年前我就不再使用这种屏保,改用磁盘碎片整理屏保。I stopped using those years ago and instead use the JKDefrag screen saver instead.

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如果一旦把财产充公,受到剥夺的倒反而是他这个克勤克俭的人。If confiscation once began, it was he-the worker and the saver -who would be looted.

你可以在“系统偏好设置”的“节能器”选项中设置。You can set it to do this in the Energy Saver preference pane in System Preferences.

我的另一个点子就是开展一个有十位母亲参加的照看孩子项目。My sanity saver was a babysitting cooperative program amongst a group of ten mothers.