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猫鼬实际上是獴科动物。The meerkat is in fact a mongoose.

那么,这些猫鼬是如何击败眼镜王蛇的呢?How does the mongoose defeat the king cobra?

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与眼镜蛇进行生死攸关搏斗的?A mongoose in a life-and-death battle with a cobra.

因为现在是猫鼬取得了胜利!Because now it's the mongoose who holds the winning card!

降低猫鼬药剂与极效敏捷药剂的效果。Reduced the effect of Elixir of Mongoose and Elixir of Major Agility.

最终,猫鼬制服了世界上这只最毒毒蛇之一的眼镜蛇。At last the mongoose took on one of the world's most poisonous snakes.

我用猫鼬撕咬攻击一个盗贼,如此猛烈以至于我的缠了带子的杖都断成两截了。I hit a rogue so hard with mongoose bite that my taped staff fell apart.

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我在卡玛普库儿看过猫鼬住在隐蔽在墙上的洞穴里。At Kamarpukur I have seen the mongoose living in its hole up in the wall.

买一个哈罗,小菜蛾,红线,或鼬从自行车经销商,你也会很高兴的!Buy a Haro, Diamond-Back, Red-Line , or Mongoose from a Bike Dealer, and your going to be happy!

它的角准备好了,它可以帮助你不搞蒙戈,猫鼬和服务器端代码。It's angular-ready and it could help you not mess around with Mongo, mongoose and the server-side code.

据了解,印度猫鼬普遍擅于捕杀眼镜蛇,因为它们拥有快速的反应能力和厚厚的皮毛。Indian mongoose is popularly used to fight and kill venomous snakes, because of their rapid reactions and thick coat.

然而猫鼬迅速跳出了眼镜蛇的攻击范围,并急速靠近试图咬住眼镜蛇的头部。But the mongoose is just too quick as it leaps and dances out of the way before closing in to try and bite the cobra's head.

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躲避后你可以使用猫噬,更好的是,格档后你可以发动反击。Now with dodge, you can start abusing your mongoose bite, or even better, if you parry, you can let loose your almighty counterattack.

一只大獴狐猴经常出没在密密的灌木丛中,红色的鼻子高高地翘在空中。锐利的眼睛观察着周围的每一个动静。Often a big mongoose would emerge from the thick bushes, its red nose high in the air and its sharp eyes watching every movement around it.

为此,这个职业现在在等级1开始游戏时候将习得远程技能,而且我们也将移除一些近战技能,比如猫鼬撕咬。To this end, the class will now start with ranged abilities at level 1, and we will be removing some melee abilities, such as Mongoose Bite.

沼泽秧鸡已经被IUCN红色名录列为极危物种,其威胁主要来自引入的獴和鲶鱼。CCZR has already been listed as the most dangerous species by the red list of IUCN, the main threats is from the introduced mongoose and catfish.

配备顺利,无级变速CVT的自动变速器,獴250将允许任何车手浏览粗糙的地形和处理最严密的角落。Equipped with smooth, stepless CVT automatic transmission, the Mongoose 250 will allow any rider to navigate the roughest terrain and handle the tightest corners.

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有时猫鼬也会被咬到,但它还有除了反应之外的第二种防御毒液的方式——它的乙酰胆碱受体同样进化到了不怕眼镜蛇神经毒素的地步。Sometimes an attacking mongoose is bitten, but it has another line of defense against the venom — its acetylcholine receptor has also evolved so that the cobra neurotoxin cannot bind to it.