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魔术缺少韧性。The Magic lack toughness.

断裂韧性要求。Fracture toughness requirements.

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而只在于他们的韧性和耐心。But only to their toughness and patience.

他喜欢他们的坚韧不拔和忠贞不二。He liked their toughness and their loyalty.

同时金刚石的加入也改善了树脂的韧性。Also toughness of the composites was enhanced.

因为,我们都希望“先苦后甜”!Cause we two hope "happiness comes after toughness"!

劲度、强度和韧度的完美平衡。Stiffness, strength and toughness of perfect balance.

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海特在书中说这就是“坚强的精神态度。”That was "an act of mental toughness" in Hite's book.

北韩通过小规模的冲突来显示自己的强韧。North Korea showed its toughness through the skirmish.

最后,介绍了一种断裂韧性的测试方法。At last, a facture toughness test method was presented.

具有好的耐磨损和韧性。Good characteristics for toughness and wear resistance.

那表现出的那种坚毅,刚强,是难人可贵的。The resolution and toughness shown in him was valuable.

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高韧性的领导者应寻求比服从更高的层次。High toughness leader should seek to higher levels than.

电火花切割、冲头,较1.2379拥有更好的韧性。EDM cutting, punches, the toughness is better than 1.2379.

拥有自主和自信也需要你顽强不屈。Self-reliance and self-confidence will demand your toughness.

木粉对裂纹引发时间的影响最为显著。The crack initiation time determined the composite's toughness.

科赫兄弟选择菲利普斯无疑昭示了他们更进一步的执着。The Kochs’ choice of Phillips signalled an even greater toughness.

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测定了D406A钢表面裂纹断裂韧度。The surface crack fracture toughness KIe of D406A steel were tested.

他从板凳上提供韧性,给第二阵容带来领导能力。He provides toughness off the bench and leadership of the second unit.

超硬合金是具有硬度和高韧性的材料。Cemented carbide alloys are a material having hardness and high toughness.