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这是到目前为止在中国发现的最大的开林型黄金矿床。This is the largest Carlin gold deposit discovered in China so far.

开林型和似开林型黄金已成为中国主要的黄金资源。Carlin and Carlin-like gold has become China's major gold resources.

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卡林型金矿常与汞矿、重晶石矿伴生。Carlin type gold deposits frequently associated with mercury ore and barite.

卡林立即回忆说,"我突然发现重大事件发生了。"I noticed the moment something had happened, " Carlin immediately recalled.

卡林博士说,自从六月份起,他跟麦克加特兰德博士之间谁也不理谁了。Dr. Carlin said he and Dr. McGartland had not spoken to each other since June.

当他正在表演这个节目时,卡林因为在公众场合使用下流的词汇而被捕。When performing the act, Carlin was arrested for using bad language in public.

卡林所讲的七个忌讳的词汇是在电视上公开讲是违法的。Carlin talks about the seven words that are illegal to say on American television.

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乔治.卡林拿很多东西来搞笑,包括宗教、政治和语言。George Carlin made fun of many things, including religion, politics, and language.

过了几分钟之后,他向卡林博士发出指示,要他“继续从事其他问题和项目的研究”。A few minutes later, he instructed Dr. Carlin to “move on to other issues and subjects.”

他还告诉卡林博士说,不要跟自己办公室以外的任何人讨论气候变化的问题。He also told Dr. Carlin not to discuss climate change with anyone outside his immediate office.

西秦岭金矿床分为卡林型和造山型两类。Gold deposits of the western Qinling belt comprising Carlin type and orogenic type gold deposits.

中国尽排在美国之后,成为世界第二大富含开林型黄金国家。China has become the world's second largest country, with rich Carlin gold resources , after only the United States.

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该类型金矿床与卡林型金矿有若干相似之处,但又具有自己的独特特征,可称之为元古宙沉积岩型金矿床。The new type of gold ore deposits is similar to Carlin type gold deposits, but it has also self consistent features.

这就是美国幽默大师在现场表演,他在讲美国棒球和橄榄球之间的区别。That was a live performance by the humorist George Carlin about the differences between American baseball and football.

而花花公子俱乐部也吸引了包括灵魂乐手雷·查尔斯、流行乐二人组桑尼与雪儿、奥斯卡影后丽莎·明尼莉以及脱口秀明星乔治·卡林在内的一大批顶尖演艺明星前来光顾。The clubs were able to attract many of the top acts including Ray Charles, Sonny &Cher, Liza Minnelli and George Carlin.

在星期四的一次采访中,卡林博士承认了自己的报告资料来源不当、撰写不妥,但他把这些归咎于时间紧迫。In the interview Thursday, Dr. Carlin admitted that his report had been poorly sourced and written. He blamed the tight deadline.

美国环保局首席发言人阿朵拉·安迪称,指控环保局由于政治上的原因限制了卡林博士的言论自由是荒唐的。Adora Andy, the agency’s chief spokeswoman, called the accusation that Dr. Carlin had been muzzled for political reasons “ridiculous.”

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红牛二队的19岁新秀车手将不会放弃他在雷诺方程式卡林车队的车手席位。Toro Rosso's new 19-year-old race driver Jaime Alguersuari will not relinquish his seat with the Carlin team in the Renault World Series.

乔治.卡林1937年出生在纽约市布朗克斯区,他中学没毕业就参加空军。George Carlin was born in the Bronx area of New York City in nineteen thirty-seven. He dropped out of high school and joined the Air Force.

此外,他的上司阿尔·麦克加特兰德也是美国环保局的一名常任雇员,在7月份由于对待卡林博士的态度不端而受到谴责。Further, his supervisor, Al McGartland, also a career employee of the agency, received a reprimand in July for the way he had handled Dr. Carlin.