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即时性是广播电视新闻的重要特色。Immediacy is a key feature of broadcast news.

我们买的是药品的可靠性和即时性。We pay for Authenticity and Immediacy in drugs.

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即时性是一种相对概念,这也是它为什么属于可生性的原因。Immediacy is a relative term, which is why it is generative.

直接性是这种标识的另一大优势。Immediacy is an import ant justifier for these marks as well.

她拍的每一张照片中都传递出一种临场感,使人有如亲临现场。In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy.

儿童们的直接祈祷可以继续到高中结束。The immediacy of children’s prayers can continue through high school.

直接性可以和一个效果的分裂和延迟相对比。Immediacy can be contrasted with disassociation or postponement of affect.

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即时性是关键,你是想马上得到你需要的东西还是等到它被复制。Immediacy is a key — if you want something right now versus when it can be copied.

它在单纯的直接的快乐经历和我们之间竖起屏障。It erects a barrier that severs the pleasure and immediacy of visceral experience.

作为一种可销售的特质,即时享用有多种层次,包括能获得beta版。As a sellable quality, immediacy has many levels, including access to beta versions.

盗版的蔓延速度让人感到吃惊。The immediacy and pervasiveness with which the pirated editions arose is astounding.

爱伦∙坡从小体验到疾病、衰颓和死亡的恐怖,这种感觉一生与他紧紧相随。The immediacy of the child’s horror of sickness, decay, and death would never leave him.

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消费者喜欢它,企业用户喜欢它,皆因互动的即时性。Consumers love it, and enterprise users love it, because of the immediacy of interaction.

华丽的描述和现在进行时的使用增添了实感。The glittering descriptions and use of the present continuous tense add to the immediacy.

他迟疑了一下,搜寻着贴切的词句,跟着,以急迫的声音突然说起话来。He hesitated, fumbled for the right words, then with a new immediacy in his voice, blurted out.

最重要的,捕捉困扰的书这个划时代的即时事件的人的方面。Most of all, the book captures with haunting immediacy the human dimension of this epochal event.

代码的改变直接而透明,我能清楚得控制整个过程,反观表格的设计就象在垒砖头。The immediacy of the changes and clarity of the code made me feel more in control of the process.

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但欧洲主权债务危机的急迫性将外界的注意力从汇率等并不亟待解决的问题上分散开来。But the immediacy of the crisis distracts attention from slow-burning issues like the exchange rate.

博客的即时性有别于电影和汽车,但即时性却在任何媒体中都有存在。A blog has a different sense of time than a movie, or a car. But immediacy can be found in any media.

一个思想或意象的强度大大地决定物化的直接性。The intensity of a thought or image largely determines the immediacy of the physical materialization.