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直到我在电视上看到自己,我才意识到自己是多么地上不了台面。It wasn't until I saw myself on TV that I realised how frumpy I was.

几十年来,国家第一夫人都是一身过时的打扮,杰克的夫人却是那么时尚典雅。After decades of frumpy first ladies, Jackie was so stylish and elegant.

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他们使任何人穿它们看起来像一个低自尊其貌不扬爱斯基摩人。They make anyone wearing them look like a frumpy Eskimo with low self esteem.

你会发现现在的孕妇装绝大部分已经不再是粗短见不得人的啦。You’ll be happy to find that maternity clothes are, for the most part, no longer frumpy and dumpy.

如果我的曾祖母是法国人,我可能对这些身近又熟悉的古董衣服不感兴趣。If my great-grandmother was French, I probably will not be interested in these familiar, frumpy old things.

如果这个理由对你来说还不充分,那么这里还有一个你应该丢弃那些不利于健康的平底鞋的理由——鞋跟能够改善性生活。If this is not enough for you, then here’s another reason why you should ditch those frumpy flats – heels boost sex life.

再没有别的能够降低夫妻之间的亲密感受了,除非是看到你凌乱不堪、老旧过时的装扮。There isn’t much that can diminish the romantic feelings between husband and wife than to see your spouse looking frumpy and disheveled.

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他们要么面容哀愁的在他们层层卷的大肚上箍上一件紧身T恤,要么用一件使他们看上去老态龙钟的复古Chico's男装来做掩护。They either look sad in their tight shirts with belly rolls, or they cover up with frumpy “Chico’s for Men” shirts that make them look old and dated.

她的儿子查尔斯王子是个饭桶,和美丽的黛安娜王妃结了婚,做了两个孩子的爸爸却只是为了向她隐瞒居心叵测的卡米拉·帕克·鲍勒斯。Her son Prince Charles is a scallywag who married the beautiful Princess Diana and fathered two children only to cheat on her with the frumpy Camilla Parker Bowles.

本周二承认自己有一点老土,但对于要他多关注时尚的建议,却置之不理。US President Barack Obama admitted Tuesday he's a little frumpy , but brushed aside suggestions that he should pay greater attention to fashion. "Here's my attitude.

它们不仅仅可以当裙子穿,还可以作为无吊带的长裙穿,最好是配上一条粗厚的皮质编织腰带,松垮地挂在腰际当装饰,这样看起来就不会有落伍之感。They can not only be worn as a skirt, but also as a strapless dress, best accessorized with a thick, weaved , leather belt slung loosely around the waist to avoid looking frumpy.

不管怎么说,他们请的这个助手,在大多数人眼中亭亭玉立,他们可以把她包装得更漂亮,或打扮成丑女无敌,让她穿些邋遢的衣服,失败的妆容还带上卷曲的假发。But anyway, the confederate that they hired was a woman who was naturally attractive in most people's view but they made her look either more attractive or less attractive by giving her kind of frumpy clothes, bad make-up, and a frizzy wig.