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从表面上看,学校里使用开源软件真的很棒。On the surface, FOSS in schools is awesome.

这是数模中电梯概率模型源码,与大家分享!This is a few Die lift probability model FOSS share with you!

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FOSS世界里的软件许可和版权是不同的。Software licenses and copyrights are different in the FOSS world.

如同福斯参议员那样的国会领袖迅速反应。Congressional leaders like Senator Clayburn Foss are quick to react.

不过,这种估量名不副实,因为大量的自由与开源软件应用程序运行在Windows上。But that's not a great evaluation since plenty of FOSS apps run on Windows.

弗斯建议把办公室里的荧光灯换成更柔和的灯光。Kill the fluorescent lighting in favor of softer, more ambient lighting, Foss adds.

五十七个岁的布赖恩福斯是从新罕布什尔。他已被禁用几乎所有他的生活。Fifty-seven-year-old Brian Foss is from New Hampshire. He has been disabled almost all his life.

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我鼓励其他女士鼓起勇气,加入更大的自由及开源社区。I encourage other women to step up to their passions and take part in the larger FOSS community.

加尔文在2月份送来那条15磅的鲢鱼后,一开始福斯不知道该如何处理。Mr. Foss initially had no idea what to do with the 15-pounder that Mr. Galvan dropped off in February.

学习开源软件总的来说对我们工作在非开源软件环境的人是一个巨大的进步。Learning about FOSS in general is a huge step for those of us raised and working in non-FOSS environments.

自由与开放源软件是基于赋权和对赋权的赏识,而责任会伴随赋权而生。FOSS is based on empowerment and the appreciation of empowerment, and with empowerment comes responsibility.

亲王多年来一直给予FOSS集团及丹麦出口业很大支持,因此,这份礼物同时表达了FOSS集团的由衷感谢。The nice gift was also a thank you, to the Prince, for his big support over the years to the Danish export businesses and therefore also FOSS.

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尽管它采用的是针对ADI设备的例子,对许多努力试手FOSS的嵌入式开发者可能会很有用。While it uses examples specific to ADI devices, it would be useful to many embedded developers who are trying to wrap their heads around FOSS.

该书强调,用户需要知道在他们的FOSS许可中所陈述的条件,以便他们不至于无意识地违反版权法。The Primer emphasizes that users need to know the conditions stated in their FOSS license so that they are not unwittingly violating copyright law.

在那里我们研究Linux和开源软件,诅咒我们的敌人,酝酿恶毒的计划去对付那些可恶的自由及开源软件开发者。A place where we study Linux and open-source software, cursing our enemies while brewing our malevolent plans to combat those nasty FOSS developers.

在Foss和Kehlet的一项前瞻性研究中发现引起超过300名连续的髋部骨折患者的死亡的原因是潜在可以避免的。In a prospective study Foss and Kehlet found the cause for mortality in over half of 300 consecutive hip fracture patients was potentially avoidable.

紧随一些神秘的信息,凯尔和戴克伦驱车前往树林,凯尔与汤姆·福斯相见并且得到了一个他无法忽视的警告。Following some mysterious information, Kyle and Declan drive to the woods where Kyle comes face to face with Tom Foss and gets a warning he can't ignore.

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对此我也无异议,但是当同样的不透明化开始出现在自由及开源软件世界,而且就是在这次Linux峰会中好像已经成为现实了,我感到非常失望。I don't have a problem with that, except when that same lack of transparency begins to enter the FOSS world, as it seems to have done at this Linux event.

他还补充道,“FOSS拥有巨大供应商生态系统的状况”,使其在发生专利侵权诉讼的情况下,“能够为中等规模的公司提供协助,并补偿他们的客户”。"The point of FOSS is having a huge vendor ecosystem that can assist mid-sized companies and indemnify their customers" in case of a patent infringement lawsuit, he adds.

这里不遭受伤害或错误的问题是由公司,而是由股东,因此不会出现焦虑所产生的潜在的福斯诉哈博特。Here the injury or wrong in question is not suffered by the company as such but by the shareholder and therefore the anxiety arising underlying Foss v Harbottle does not arise.