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沙包也可以用来释放压力!It's also good for relieving stress!

他把毕生精力贡献给医学研究工作。He devotes himself to relieving the distressed.

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治疗主要是为减轻症状。Treatment is focused on relieving the symptoms.

战士们在田野里蹲着解手。Men squatted in the fields, relieving themselves.

中式按摩可以有效地减轻痛苦。Cinese massage is great for relieving aches and pains.

药非但不镇咳,反而使我咳嗽得更厉害。Far from relieving my cough, the medicine aggravated it.

PSN是对环节正中盆腔疼痛的最有效的治疗方法。PSN is most effective for relieving midline pelvic pain.

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我每天做三百个仰卧起坐,这是我解除压力的方法。I do 300 sit-ups everyday. It's my way of relieving stress.

当那小孩由窗口堕下时我正在小解。I am relieving myself when the little kid fell from the window.

催眠是一种很好的放松和缓解压力的工具。Hypnotherapy is a great tool for relaxation and relieving stress.

脚跟软垫可以很好的缓解脚跟的压力。Heel cushions are also great for relieving the pressure on the heel.

自从患者入院后为了缓解胸部疼痛给予吗啡治疗。Since his admission, morphine was used for relieving precordial pain.

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研究发现,芳香疗法在缓解压力方面确实是有所成效的。Research finds that the benefits of aromatherapy in relieving stress are real.

试验证明超声波解除地层堵塞的距离约为7cm。It is proved that the length of damage relieving using ultrasonic is about 7cm.

观察两组治疗前后大便成形时间、止泻时间、大便培养霉菌消失时间。The time of stool forming, diarrhea relieving and fungi vanishing were observed.

当悲恸被允许释放所有的痛感,会对灵魂产生舒缓帮助作用。Once grief is permitted with all its pain, it has a relieving effect on the soul.

你满唔满意特首发表有关舒解民困既政策呢?How satisfied are you with Chief Executive's policy in relieving people's hardships?

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耳烛疗者认为这样有助于去除耳垢,治疗某些感染。People who do it say it's helpful for relieving earwax and treating some infections.

释压膜片对弧区局部压力的机械破坏性起不到防护作用。The mechanical destruction Could not be reduced by the pressure relieving diaphragm.

主要针对减轻症状进行治疗,包括关节疼痛。Treatment is directed primarily at relieving the symptoms, including the joint pain.