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这是对解构主义的普遍反应。This is a common response to deconstruction.

这种对作品的分拆破解叫做“解构”。This fragmentation of a work is called "deconstruction."

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第一种手法是非理性的颠覆和解构。The first non-rational means of subversion and deconstruction.

这种可能性和局限性的名字就是解构。One name for these possibilities and limits might be deconstruction.

“误读”这一术语首先出现于西方解构主义思潮。The term presents in the western thoughts of deconstruction at first.

成都郫县润达再生资源回收有限公司…Haul Away Recycling deconstruction company serving Boulder County, Colorado.

在“延异”、“踪迹”和“补充”维度上,德里达构建了他的“解构主义”。Apparently, his Deconstruction includes any ways of Difference, Trace and Supplement.

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鲁迅较多从社会、外在环境这些方面来消解,张爱玲则从人的世俗性进行消解。Lu's deconstruction undertook from society, environment while Zhang from the routine life.

后现代主义解构的结果必然会导致语意的断裂。The deconstruction of the postmodernism will inevitably result in the collapsing of semantics.

实际上来说,糖料种植的减少是夏威夷自我形象变更的一种体现。In a very real sense, the decline of sugar is also the partial deconstruction of Hawaii's self-image.

大家都假设,解构主义否定了文本之外任何现实的存在。It's always supposed popularly that deconstruction denies the existence of any reality outside a text.

并且,这些民间服饰中所运用的解构手法主要体现了道家的“有无”“虚实”“大象无形”等美学思想。It proposes that the deconstruction of design technique has been used in the Chinese traditional folk raiment.

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拒斥二元对立、否认意义的确定性是解构主义思想的核心。Nullification of dualistic antithesis and denial of the determinacy of meaning are the core of deconstruction.

作品以简单的形式完成了一次对于多媒介信息的解构和再构成。The installation, in a simple form, completes the deconstruction and recomposition of multi-media information.

该系列小说是兼备经典幻想故事和自身解构两大特点的最好实例。This is a prime example of a series that is both a classic fantasy story and a deconstruction of it at the same time.

至于立体派更使我傻了眼,它解析动作、分割平面,解构了空间。The Cubists stunned me with their analysis of movement, their partitioning of the surface and deconstruction of space.

铁凝在解构男权中心社会话语的基础上,建构了一种新的女性人文景观。Based on the deconstruction of the society of the man-in-center, Tiening sets sup a new humanitarian scene of women's image.

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在新批判运动过后,耶鲁文学系则成为美国解构主义思潮的中心。Criticism of the new campaign after the Yale literary deconstruction of the United States has become the center of ideologies.

雅克·德里达的解构理论对建构女性主义批评话语的影响是不可忽视的。The impact of Derrida's deconstruction theory on the construction of the feminist criticism discourse can never be overlooked.

本文从语言这一角度出发,运用德里达的解构理论分析男性中心话语中的女性话语。From the perspective of linguistics, this thesis uses Derrida's Deconstruction to analyze female language in Phallocentric language.