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有必要更明确地进一步证实。Definitely more independent corroboration is necessary.

第一章探讨了补强证据规则的基础理论。The first chapter explores basic theory of rule of corroboration.

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第一章探讨了补强证据规则的基础理论。The first chapter explores basic theory of the rules of corroboration.

证人无法证实他对警方的陈述.The witness was unable to provide corroboration f what he had told the police.

第四章对构建、完善我国的补强证据规则进行了论述。The fourth chapter analyzed how to build and consummate the rule of corroboration.

将您的用户名和强密码组合在一起,这样可以提供足够的安全性加强。The combination of your name and a strong password provide sufficient corroboration.

纳尔逊竞选班子想给这些谣言煽风点火,但是他们没有确证或证据。The Nelson campaign tried to stoke the rumors, but without corroboration or evidence.

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第二章对证据补强规则的具体适用情形进行了详尽的分析。The second chapter is about the rule of corroboration in the case of specific application.

第三章对补强证据规则的构成要素进行了逐一、详尽地分析。The third chapter analyzed the composing elements of the rules of corroboration one by one.

第四章对我国的证据补强规则的现状及其完善进行论述。The fourth chapter introduce the rule of corroboration of our country and give a brief comment.

现有的证据立法中,尤以认证规则规定得最少,本文所要探讨的补强证据规则即属认证规则之一种。The rule of corroboration which was discussed in this article belongs to one of the rules of judge.

没有法医化验的确证就很难证明嫌疑犯有罪。Without corroboration from forensic tests it will be difficult to prove that the suspect is guilty.

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第二章对各主要国家和地区的补强证据规则作了介绍和简要的评析。The second chapter gives a brief comment on the rules of corroboration in main countries and regions.

期房不给按揭导致更高的价格现房是一个佐证的现象。Do not give the mortgage lead to higher prices of existing homes is a corroboration of the phenomenon.

最后针对本文提出的问题,在结论中对我国补强证据规则的构建提出了若干意见与建议。In the last part, I give some suggestions to the construction of the corroboration rule against the problems.

然而对最有趣的报道却没有得到证实,比如,曾有人试图在北约军队的饮料中下毒。Yet there is no corroboration of the most intriguing reports, such as an attempt to poison the drinks of NATO troops.

然而,并没有证据证明这里有最引人入胜的报告,比如有人试图往北约部队的饮料里投毒。Yet there is no corroboration of the most intriguing reports, such as an attempt to poison the drinks of NATO troops.

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为了证明我们的初衷,我们决定即刻撤销所有公关活动中的此张图片。In corroboration of our intentions, we have decided, with immediate effect, to withdraw this image from every publication.

“我没拿什么,也没找到什么,”她说,摊开她的双手证明自己的话,那时我已经向他们走去。I've neither taken any nor found any,' she said, as I toiled to them, expanding her hands in corroboration of the statement.

灵命幼稚的信徒,不当单独凭依这样的直觉来行事,最好还须等待环境的证实。It is not wise in the earlier stages of Christian life to depend on this alone, but to wait for the corroboration of circumstances.