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对于ISE测量,离子强度常数与GLP数据一同存储。For ISE measurements, an ionic strength constant value is stored with GLP data.

未生效的指令。除非用户激活此指令递交给市场否则为不可交易指令。An inactive order. It ise not a tradable order unless user activates the order, place to the market.

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泥炭土上生长的树木被采伐后,土地或是被遗弃或是改造成种植园。The trees growing on it are harvested and the land ise ither abandoned or converted to a plantation.

也可用于差距过大的噪音是其中一个问题或抖动限滑台。Can also be used in differentials where excessive no ise is a problem or chattering limited slip units.

优化数学模型中,将经典最优控制理论中常用的ISE指标加权增广为AISE指标作为目标函数。The classical ISE index in the optimal control theory is augmented to an AISE index as the objective function.

它们大小不一,有路边的小祈祷场地,也有像伊势神宫这样大的建筑复合体。They vary in size from small roadside places of prayer to large building complexes such as the Grand Ise Shrine.

提出氧瓶分解-汞离子选择性电极法于有机化合物中汞的微量分析。This method combines the oxygen flask method with the mercury ISE for microanalysis of organic mercury compounds.

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用离子选择电极法和电导法测定了阳离子表面活性剂胶束溶液中的反离子缔合度。The concetration association degree in cationic surfactant micellar solution was determined by ISE method and conductance method.

虽然,这项交易得到更耐人寻味当你意识到在瓶子上海格无非是伯尼埃克莱斯顿等。Although, th is deal gets more intriguing when you real ise the Genii in the bottle is none other than F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone.

最后的实现结果表明这是一种具有较高处理速度的高效插值结构。The synthesis result using Design Compiler and Xilinx ISE shows that it's an area-efficient architecture with high processing speed.

由于每个独立搜索引擎各个方面存在着差异,它们的性能时刻变化,很难对独立搜索引擎序列进行具体的数值上的评测。But it is difficult to evaluate ISE by detailed data, because every ISE are different in lots aspects and mutative with time's going.

应用离子选择性电极法测定锌氨络合液中的氨氮,省去了其他繁琐的步骤,具有操作简便、结果准确、精密度高、检测范围广等优点。In order to control the pH of the samples, point to point ISE calibration measure, ion-selective electrode and pH-regulator are used.

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量子神经计算是一个崭新的技术理论,它是量子计算与神经计算相结合的产物。The quantum neural computation ise burgeoning new technical theory, which combines quantum computation with classical neural computation.

我们已经商定在贸易、技术、投资以及科学与管理专门知识的交流等方面更密切地合作。We have already agreed to cooperate more closely in trade, technology, investment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial expert ise.

在智慧型系统工程实验室中,每位研究生均有一个研究主题,研究主题的架构将由指导教授决定。In the ISE Lab. , each one of the students has a theme. The outlines of research themes of graduate students are determined by the Advisor.

政府目前出台的土地招标政策是兼顾正义和公平,合理控制地价上升,不使房价上升过快。Government policy is currently out for tender in the balance of justice and equity, reasonable control premium increases, the pricer ise is not too.

作为普玛司在中国唯一授权总代理,ISE厨房碎榨机的代理,积累了丰富的品牌代理经验。Puma Division in China as the only authorized distributors, ISE kitchen broken pressing machine agent, has accumulated rich experience in brand agent.

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住宅位于一个高地上,周围是茂密的绿林和一个陡峭的悬崖,住宅鸟瞰美丽的河流。The building is located on high ground with lust greenery and a bluff that overlooks the beautiful Miyagawa-River flowing north-south through Ise City.

e家人推动“货真价实、物美价廉、按需定制、限时到达”网上购买生活用品的普及是e家人的使命。E promoting the "real family, good and inexpensive, on-demand customization, limited to" online shopping ise the popularity of the mission of the family.

所以除非有日本的皇子或者公主正在浏览此页,要不你最多也就望一望伊势神宫的茅草屋顶吧。So unless we have a Japanese prince or princess reading the site, no one here will ever see anything more than the thatched roof of the Ise Grand Shrine.