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所以,振奋起来!So cheer up!

我喜欢欢呼。I like to cheer.

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试着振作起来。Try to cheer up.

让我们为她们加油吧。Let’s cheer for them.

别难过。振作起来!我也考砸了。Come on. Cheer up! Me too.

请忘掉这件事,振作起来!Please forget it, cheer up!

我就快活地吹了起来。So I piped with merry cheer.

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让我们为她加油。Let's cheer for her. Corne on!

花朵使她精神振奋。The flowers will cheer her up.

我能做些什么使她开心起来呢?。What can I do to cheer her up?

鲜花总是使房间生气盎然。Flowers always cheer a room up.

我喜欢啦啦操,喜欢打猎I Like To Cheer. I Like To Hunt.

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我需要一点什么东西来提提神。I want something to cheer me up.

这些地方总让我快活起来。These places always cheer me up.

欢呼吧!我们会赢到最后滴。Cheer up ! We will win the final.

我习惯用手势来表达喜悲。I cheer and use hand to applause.

我想让生病的孩子振奋起来。I want to cheer up the sick kids.

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我女朋友是拉拉队长。My girl friend is a cheer leader.

我女朋友是拉拉队长。My gril friend is a cheer leader.

我该做些什么来使她高兴呢?What ought lto do to cheer her up?