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清洁和磨光用的麂皮。为工作精心着装。Piece of chamois used for cleaning and polishing.

也可作为合成皮革羚羊或空调。Can also be used as a conditioner for synthetic or leather chamois.

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那位苏格兰人用可以和羚羊媲美的轻巧劲儿向后一跳。The Scotchman made a jump that a chamois would not have been ashamed of.

盒子可从羚羊或其他种类的非磨料。The box can be made from chamois or other kinds of non-abrasive materials.

每当羚羊烘干和艰苦成为,浸泡它在水中为复活。Whenever chamois dries up and becomes hard, Soak it in water for revitalization.

只需在你的高尔夫球袋中放一小瓶婴儿油和雪米布或毛巾即可。Just keep a small bottle filled with baby oil in your golf bag along with a chamois cloth or towel.

他指着一颗单独放在一块鹿皮上的大珠子,这珠子晶莹无瑕,有颗小核桃大。He pointed to a large perfect pearl the size of a small walnut that lay apart on a piece of chamois.

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本厂是专业生产高分子PVA吸水布,吸水棉系列产品。We are the famours manufacturer of producting PVA Chamois and other cleaning articles in South China.

缝一小块毡布或麂皮在拉链与皮肤之间将可能防止擦痒。Sewing a small piece of felt or chamois cloth between the zipper closure and skin will prevent chaffing.

“汽车后部湿了,我想用这种方法来代替擦干它,”他对警方说道。"I have a bad back and just thought I would do that instead of having to chamois it dry, " he told police.

接下来用一种氧化铁和水混合液体来抛光打磨整件物品,极可能是拿着块麂皮来弄的。Then the whole thing was polished using a powdered iron oxide mixed with water, probably buffed up with a chamois leather.

使用软皮拖把从重塑承包商与技巧大擦伤痕迹在此免费上门维修和保养视频。Use a chamois mop for large scuff marks with tips from a remodeling contractor in this free video on home repair and maintenance.

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合成擦车巾、仿鹿皮巾是以高分子PVA合成的,具有超强吸水功能的产品。PVA CHAMOIS is produced by high polymer PVA using special technics, and has function of super absorb water. It is strong and difficult to abrasion.

在让那枚戒指接受我的检验之前,他做的最后动作是从裤袋里取出一块软皮布料小心翼翼地擦拭它。His final act of preparing the piece of jewelry for my inspection was to meticulously shine it with the chamois cloth he carried in his back pocket.

使用后,请将仿鹿皮巾洗净放进附送的塑料盒子中或者将仿鹿皮巾放置于通风处。仿鹿皮巾失去水分会变干硬,可以防止细菌侵入保持卫生。After using, keep Chamois in the case supplied or just put Chamois at ventilated place. Chamois will harden to protect itself from germ and mildew to keep hygienic.

它可以感染所有的有蹄类动物一牛、山羊、绵羊、猪、水牛、鹿、野牛、羚羊、驯鹿、驼羊、跳羚、羊驼、驼马、长颈鹿、黑斑羚、麋鹿和骆驼。It can infect all cloven-hoofed animals--cattle goats sheep pigs water buffalo deer bison antelope reindeer llamas chamois alpacas vicunas giraffes impala elk and camels.

本文对采用活性染料染油鞣服装革的方法进行了研究。以提高染料的吸收率和结合率为指标优化出了染色的最佳条件。The process for dyeing chamois leather with reactive dyestuffs has been studied. The optimized conditions for high absorption and fixation of dyestuffs have been obtained.

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指出了油鞣技术研究的发展趋势,并展望了油鞣革的应用前景,其目的是为新型油鞣技术的开发提供参考。The trend of further study on oil tanning was discussed. The application prospect of chamois was reported too. All these will provide some references for developing the new oil tannage.

正当他们把那香气扑鼻的烤羊肉从铁叉上取下来的时候,他们看见爱德蒙象一只羚羊那样轻捷而大胆地在岩石上跳来跳去于是他们按刚才约定的信号,放了一枪。Just at the moment when they were taking the dainty animal from the spit, they saw Edmond springing with the boldness of a chamois from rock to rock, and they fired the signal agreed upon.