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子宫颈,卵巢,子宫。Cervix, ovaries, uterus.

德亚天生就没有子宫。Derya was born without a uterus.

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子宫是个无菌的环境。The uterus is a sterile environment.

可伴子宫发育不良。May accompany the hypoplasia of uterus.

他切开她的腹部,摘除掉子宫。He sliced openher abdomen. Cut out her uterus.

然后将胚卵送进子宫腔。Then the embryos are released into the uterus.

你的子宫现在有差不多一个桔子的大小。Your uterus is now about the size of an orange.

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阿托品对人体子宫的作用极微弱。Atropine has negligible effects on the human uterus.

子宫壁内和浆膜下各有一平滑肌瘤。The uterus has an intramural and a subserosal leiomyoma.

呵护女人,从养巢、修宫开始!Care of women should start with ovary and uterus nursing!

子宫肌瘤是子宫良性肿瘤。Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths in your uterus.

胎儿在子宫里待的时间越长,长得会越丰满。When the baby stays in the uterus longer, it gets plumper.

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在大多数情况下,有一个以上的纤维在子宫。In most cases, there is more than one fibroid in the uterus.

手术堕胎很少会破坏子宫颈或者子宫。Rarely, a surgical abortion can damage the cervix or uterus.

胚泡附着到子宫内膜。这一过程称为植入。The attachment of the blastocyst to the lining of the uterus.

研究者发现子宫中的性别比例并不影响这些雄鼠的性能力。The researchers found no effects of the sex ratio in the uterus.

用黄体酮可降低长子宫癌的危险。Progestogens reduce the risk of developing cancer in your uterus.

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海!我-我希望以后九个月到你的子宫里去。Hi! I'm-I'm-I'm hoping to be your uterus for the next nine months.

我们认定子宫内是黑暗的,那么为什么胎儿会眨眼?Why does a baby blink when we assume it is dark inside the uterus?

你的子宫现在膨胀到差不多正常容量的15倍了。Your uterus has now ballooned to nearly 15 times its normal volume.