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所有四个优先使用化学浴次磷酸钠作为还原剂。All four preferred electroless baths use hypophosphite as a reducing agent.

重点论述了次磷酸钠工业生产中的杂质去除问题。The impurities removing in production of sodium hypophosphite is focused in the paper.

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探讨了次亚磷酸钠体系化学镀镍沉积机理。The mechanism of electroless nickel deposition in sodium hypophosphite bath is discussed.

采用次磷酸钠作还原剂,在片状铜粉表面化学镀锡,得到片状锡包铜粉。Tin coated flake Cu powder was obtained by electroless tin plating with hypophosphite as reducing agent.

结果表明,该模型能很好地模拟次亚磷酸根在镍电极上的电化学氧化过程。The process of hypophosphite electrooxidation on a nickel electrode could be well simulated by this model.

产品质量和服务得到美国、欧洲、日本等东南亚国家客户的赞誉。Taixing's Sodium Hypophosphite product is considered by many MNCs to be one of the best products in the world.

研究分析次磷酸钠在柠檬酸防皱整理体系中的催化作用。The catalysis effect of sodium hypophosphite on the fabric crease-resistant finishing with citric acid was investigated.

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介绍了从次磷酸钠生产废渣中回收提取亚磷酸的工艺。The technological process for preparing phosphorous acid from the production waste of sodium hypophosphite was described.

由于金属铜对次磷酸钠的氧化没有催化作用,需要加入镍离子作为催化剂。The electroless copper plating system with sodium hypophosphite as the reducing agent has been received people's attention.

介绍了次磷酸纳工业的国内外发展概况、主要生产工艺和研究发展趋势。The general situation, main industrial process & research trend of sodium hypophosphite industry at home and abroad are described.

以甲醛为还原剂的化学镀铜层的电导率、抗拉强度、延伸率等物理性能均优于次磷酸钠化学镀铜层。The resistance, tensile strength and ductibility of formaldehyde's deposit were better than that from sodium hypophosphite solution.

因此,次磷酸钠为还原剂的化学镀铜工艺更适宜应用于对导电性要求相对较低的行业。Therefore, the deposit using sodium hypophosphite as reductant was more suitable for the industries which had a relatively low requirement on conductance.

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次磷酸及其盐是磷化工的重要产品,近年来需求量有一个较大的增加,其制备方法与副产物的回收利用研究比较活跃。Hypophosphorous acid and hypophosphite are important produce of phosphorus chemical industry , and their requirement increased obviously in recent ly years.

复合材料电镀涂层是在溶有次磷酸钠的瓦特镍池中不同无机物颗粒沉淀的混合物。Electrodeposited Ni P composite coatings incorporating a variety of inorganic particles were obtained from Watt's nickel bath containing sodium hypophosphite.

用化学反应法在水溶液中用次亚磷酸钠还原氯化钴制得了纯净的钴-磷非晶合金超细微粒。Co-P ultra-fine amorphous alloy particles have been prepared with chemical reaction method by reduction of cobalt chloride by Sodium Hypophosphite in aqueous solution.

本文主要研究了采用可溶性钙盐对以乳酸为络合剂、次磷酸盐为还原剂的失效化学镀镍溶液的再生。This paper is mainly described the exhausted electroless nickel solution regeneration by adoptingsoluble calcium salt as lactic acid is complexant, hypophosphite is reducer.

详细研究了以黄磷、氧化钙和碳酸钠为原料,采用一步法制备次磷酸钠的最佳条件和有关工艺。In this paper, the reactive theory of the preparation of sodium hypophosphite by one-stage process taking phosphor, calcium oxide and sodium carbonate as raw material is introduced.

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详细研究了以黄磷、氧化钙和碳酸钠为原料,采用一步法制备次磷酸钠的最佳条件和有关工艺。In this paper, the reactive theory of the preparation of sodium hypophosphite by one-stage process taking phosphor , calcium oxide and sodium carbonate as raw material is introduced.

王书林,沈万涛,次磷酸钠生产工艺及反应器的优化对生产次磷酸钠工艺及主要设备进行了评述,对相应的技术开发提出了新的见解和建议。In this paper, the process of sodium hypophosphite production and equipment is summarized, new views and suggestions are put forward according to corresponding technological exploitation.

实验结果表明,阴极室亚磷酸盐在一定程度上被转化为次磷酸盐,但是由于受电解电压的制约,转化率较低。As shown by results, phosphite in cathodal cell was really converted into hypophosphite to a certain extent but its conversion rate was low due to the confinement of decomposition voltage.