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火车轰隆隆地爬上山去。The train went chugging up the hill.

一副引擎砰砰响着却不提供能量。An engine was chugging but not delivering heat.

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水发出声响的竞赛也是致命的。And water chugging competitions can be deadly too.

你增加了内存,但它还是慢得吭哧吭哧作响。You add more memory, but it’s still barely chugging.

到毛里塔尼亚沙漠旅游列车车轮继续滚滚?A tourist train chugging through the Mauritanian desert?

"美国经济步履蹒跚,接近停滞,"他说."The economy is chugging along near stall speed," he said.

他表示这对促进经济稳步发展很重要。This, he says, is vital to get the economy chugging along again.

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如果我们忍着头痛执意吃完,会对大脑造成永久性损伤么?Could chugging the rest of that shake cause lasting brain damage?

首先,公司最大限度地分享服务器以减少机器的隆隆声。First, companies maximize servers by sharing them, so fewer machines are chugging away.

原声带首走失留欧一轮首脑许多球员。The soundtrack of the first Runaway has stayed chugging round the heads of many players.

忽然,车子先是发出嘎嚓声,然后又是劈啪声,终于发动机彻底歇工了。Suddenly, the car started chugging and sputtering until finally the engine quit altogether.

有一列拉硝酸钠矿石的火车隆隆前行,敞开的车厢上吹起一阵白雾。I caught up with a nitrate train, chugging along, its open wagons trailing a gauze of white mist.

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欧洲危机已持续近两年半,一直没有得到解决。The European crisis has been chugging along for almost two-and-a-half years now without resolution.

另一个安全技术――智能卡认证正在各公司的实验室中红红火火地开发之中。Another security technology, smart-card authorization, is chugging ahead in vendors' development labs.

火车继续前进,我们在掠过沙滩上看见有家人在进餐。Chugging along, we flit through the lives of families on the beach as if flipping through holiday snaps.

在一家百货商店的橱窗里,有两列电动火车正在一座白雪覆盖的微型城市里嘎嚓嘎嚓地行驶。There in a department-store window were two electric trains chugging through a miniature, snow-covered town.

相反,我搭上了一辆正在陡坡上爬行的卡车,让它把我载上山顶。Instead, I grabbed onto the back of a lorry that was chugging up the stiff slope and let it drag me to the top.

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你或是你的同事最近有没有吹嘘过自己开了夜车,然后冲两倍浓咖啡来保持清醒呢?Have you or your co-workers bragged about pulling an all-nighter recently while chugging double espressos to stay awake?

它现在依然在火星的另一边咔啦咔啦地行进着,尽管科学家们知道,总有一天它也会走向沉寂。Its twin, Opportunity, is still chugging along on the other side of Mars, although scientists know one day it will go silent, too.

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