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黄色书刊毒害年轻人的心灵。Pornography taints the young mind.

不得去黄赌毒场所。Can not go to pornography and gambling sites.

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那格调低的人喜欢黄色书刊胜于艺术。That lowbrow prefers pornography to fine art.

在中国,传播淫秽内容有违国家法律。It is illegal to distribute pornography in China.

再说,磁盘、光盘也足以贩黄。Besides, tapes and CDs can also carry pornography.

以前我们看*寻找刺激,现在是看产品目录。We used to read pornography. Now it was the horchow collection.

比如,不雅寓目淫秽作品和打赌是众所周知的上瘾举动。Pornography and gambling, for instance, are well-known addictions.

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过早地接触“黄毒”,给孩子们带来了不小的危害。Early exposure to "pornography", bring the children of no small hazard.

中国报纸的领头羊已经要求开展一场针对黄色风暴的新战役。China's leading newspaper has called for a new campaign against pornography in china.

好吧,所有限制级影片和色情作品,所有的这类东西都曾在这里泛滥成灾。Alright, and all the rated X and all the pornography and all of that, that was everywhere

该场所属于传教士托尼。阿勒牟所有,但他否认与此案有关。The compound belongs to evangelist Tony Alamo . He's denying any involvement with pornography.

请不要发诽谤中伤,下流,反社会等不适当的帖子。Please do not post any improper topics such as slander, Pornography and other antisocial topics.

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侮辱的视频这几年来是下载量最多的的童妓视频之一。Video of the abuse is among the most widely downloaded child pornography videos in recent years.

据说,网上黄毒泛滥,还有些反动的东西在传播,这些说法把我吓住了。It is said that there is reactionary stuff on the net as well as a flood of pornography so I am scared.

但是,长期以来彭孙遹被人们定位为“艳情专家”,其作品也没有得到充分的研究。However, he has long been labelled as "an adept at pornography", and his works were not treated properly.

他是第一位以触犯2008年印尼颁布的严禁黄色的法律而被捕的名人。He is the first celebrity to be charged under Indonesia's strict pornography law that came into effect in 2008.

经过几番讨价还价之后,我祖父终于为他那一千张春宫图找到了买主。Process how many times after haggle, my grandfather finally for he that 1,000 pornography diagram found out buyer.

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上海律师陈剑波警告说出售此类产品是违背国家法律的。Shanghai lawyer Chen Jianbo warned that selling these products violated the county's law in spreading pornography.

工商局对黄贩进行严惩,防止他们再次违法犯罪。The business administration bureau has chastised pornography vendors to prevent them from violating the law again.

加强文化市场管理,坚持开展“扫黄打非”。We will improve management of the culture market and steadfastly fight against pornography and illegal publications.