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电视花费你的钱财。It is costing you money.

他跌了一跤,结果失去了领先的优势。He fell down, costing him his lead.

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我们也再检查我们哲学。We also reexamined our costing philosophy.

对餐饮的食品和饮料进行成本核算。Perform recipe costing for food and beverage.

叫你的缴税咨询师把费用算得再精确些。Ask your tax advisor for a more accurate costing.

而罢工将会使电视节目丢掉更多的忠实观众。Yet 'the strike could end up costing shows more fans.

你们都必须掉头,损失了时间和金钱。You both have to reverse, costing you time and money.

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数字产品的败本构造非决议其订价的闭键果荤。Costing of digital goods is the key factor in pricing.

检讨讼费核算小组的运作及成效。To review the effectiveness and operation of Costing Unit.

12月发表的成本计算是基于这个文件。The costing it released in December is based on this document.

小鸟,是的,它们的食量很小,每年所需的开销也很小。Small birds, well, eat like birds, costing you little each year.

在分批法中,成本要按批次归集。With the job order costing system, costs are gathered by job order.

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计划成本和实际成本之间有什么不同?What is the difference between prelimenary costing and actual costing?

巯基法操作较为简单,但所需的反应时间较长。While thiol method was simple but much more time costing for reaction.

在考量糖的费用控制和质量时,白利度是重要的监测指标。Brix monitoring is the key factor in quality and sugar costing controls.

与厨房及收货部保持良好的联系。Co-ordinate with Kitchen and receiving staff in related costing matters.

总统的防御计划花费了纳税人许多的钱。The President's defense program is costing the tax payers a pretty penny.

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该工作组开发了一种卫生工作者成本核算工具,并将之与世界卫生组织分享。The team shared with WHO the health worker costing tool it had developed.

据估计,如果彻底完成这项工作将花费1.5万亿日元。But according to one estimate the operation could end up costing 1.5tn yen.

美国人民需要知道是谁把他们的血汗钱给糟蹋了。The American People need to know who is costing them their hard earned money.