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你故意忤逆我。You deliberately disobey me.

慢慢地并谨慎地做事。Do it slowly and deliberately.

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你故意违背我。You deliberately disobeyed me.

狡猾是故意的伤害。Slyness is hurting deliberately.

这很令人烦躁,故意的对不对?These are lousy. Deliberately. OK?

不得故意摇晃座骑。Do not deliberately shake the seat.

我是故意这么说的。And I said it deliberately that way.

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有人说他是被故意推下的。Some say he was pushed deliberately.

相反,你却故意违抗。Instead,you deliberately disobeyed me.

相反,你却故意违抗。Instead, you deliberately disobeyed me.

他故意冲撞守门员。He deliberately roughed the goal-keeper.

我特别提到了进化这个词。Now I use the word "evolve" deliberately.

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她蓄谋毒杀她的丈夫。She deliberately set out to poison her husband.

他冷冷地笑了笑便故意转身走了。He smiled frostily and deliberately turned away.

她扭过身去,慢腾腾地从房里走出去。She turned, and went deliberately out of the room.

故意地使源代码变得含混晦涩是不允许的。Deliberately obfuscated source code is not allowed.

打开你的心扉去认识更多的人。Open up your mind and deliberately meet more people.

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他自觉、蓄意地将秽物给予他的读者。He consciously, deliberately gives his readers filth.

故我刚性的去刻意淡忘那些多雨的春天。So I deliberately rigid to forget those rainy spring.

武装部队有意地混编了他们的队伍。The armed forces deliberately integrated their units.