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嗯,有人想起重组牛生长激素吗?of recombinant bovine growth hormone?

牛丛,字表龄,僧孺之子。Bovine plexus, the word table age, Sengru son.

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老板这个词的另一个意思就是“牛科动物”。Another meaning of the word boss is “a cow or bovine.”

这说明我们纯化的蛋白为牛心肌钙蛋白T。It suggested that the purified protein was bovine cTnT.

牛球虫病是牛的重要寄生性原虫病之一。Bovine coccidiosis is one of important protozoa diseases.

吐温对牛胰蛋白酶活性的影响较少。The activity of bovine trypsin is less influenced by tween.

在牛精子中发现了蛋白激酶C抑制剂。A protein kinase C inhibitor is found in bovine spermatozoa.

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并与黄牛糜蛋白酶进行了比较。The results were compared with those of bovine chymotrypsin.

很快,杨志就与牛头帮发生了冲突。Very fast, yang Zhi produced conflict with bovine head side.

请问你们牛眼般大的眼睛是真长的吗?I would like to ask you a big bovine eyes as long it is true?

其次,研究了小鼠和小牛血清的拉曼光谱。Secondly, Raman spectrums of rat and bovine serum are researched.

所以,牛初乳的作用没有宣传的那么大。Therefore, the role of bovine colostrum is not so much publicity.

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要知道牛肝是营养最丰富的食物之一。Want to know bovine liver is one of the most nutrient-rich foods.

和陆地上牛科动物一样,太平洋牛鼻魟也过着群居生活。Like their bovine namesakes, Pacific cownose rays gather in a herd.

利用酸碱溶解法,从牛腱中提取了可溶性胶原材料。Soluble collagen was extracted from bovine tendon in acid solution.

该材料与在一个无机的微孔牛骨相结合。The material is combined with an anorganic microporous bovine bone.

研究对象原代培养的牛晶状体上皮细胞。Participants The cultured bovine lens epithelial cells and monolayers.

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牛胚胎干细胞分离与克隆时期的生长状况。The growth behavior of bovine ES cells derived from PGCs was observed.

本研究结果在我国首次获得牛核移植的成功。The first successful bovine nuclear transfer in China is reported here.

牛病毒性鼻气管炎和运输热相似,并可能和运输热同时发生。Viral bovine rhinotracheitis simulates and may be combined with shipping fever.