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持续显症时间为8天。Symptomatic appearance will last 8 days.

有症状的十二指肠憩室炎罕见。Symptomatic duodenal diverticulitis is rare.

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截至目前,尚未发现其它有症状的接触者。To date no other symptomatic contacts have been found.

另外要找出长脓疱的缘由,对症治疗。Another reason to find a long pustules, symptomatic treatment.

对索雷尔来说,缺乏控制就是新世界的表征。For Sorrell, that lack of control is symptomatic of the new world.

缓解儿童日常的遗尿症状,没有副作用。Symptomatic Relief of Common Bedwetting in Children. No side effects.

是否该用纤维治疗非复杂性症状性憩室病?Should we treat uncomplicated symptomatic diverticular disease with fibre?

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大多数波斯湾战争综合病徵患者的血清均含抗角鲨烯抗体。The majority of symptomatic GWS patients had serum antibodies to squalene.

配件舟骨脚的最对症的骨头之一。The accessory navicular bone is one of the most symptomatic bones of the foot.

对于有明显临床症状的复发应延长治疗10到14天。Management of symptomatic relapse includes prolonged therapy for 10 to 14 days.

监测RBV变化有助于预报血透低血压的发生。RBV measurement may also help predict the appearance of symptomatic hypotension.

血管性痴呆的治疗包括预防和对症治疗。The treatment of vascular dementia include prevention and symptomatic treatment.

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具有已知病因的癫痫称作继发性癫痫或者称作症状性癫痫。Epilepsy with a known cause is called secondary epilepsy, or symptomatic epilepsy.

止痛药,热敷法,超声及按摩亦可使症状缓解。Analgesics, hot packs, ultrasound, and massage may also provide symptomatic relief.

还是要有决计,不算什么,主要是以前没有找到对症的方法。Had to have resolved to, nothing, not previously found mainly symptomatic approach.

全心全意为中等剂量的免疫介导的反应或内分泌失调症状。Withhold dose for moderate immune-mediated reactions or symptomatic endocrinopathy.

在CABG组,血管造影的随访只在患者有症状时才被推荐。In the CABG arm, angiographic follow-up was only recommended if the patients were symptomatic.

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至少在症状性血管痉挛发生前1.5天采集微透析样本。Microdialysate samples were taken at least 1.5 days before the onset of symptomatic vasospasm.

在当地开展了调查,未发现其他病例或出现症状的接触者。A local investigation was conducted and no additional cases or symptomatic contacts were found.

我知道这是硬件故障的先兆,所以开始解除镜像。Knowing that this was symptomatic of an impending hardware failure, I began breaking the mirror.