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我都重了5公斤了。I gained five kilograms.

现在我们得到了什么?What have we gained now?

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毕竟归零。After all nothing is gained.

游泳者游到了岸边。The swimmer gained the shore.

他们的实力增强了。They have gained in strength.

我们的车子开到大马路上。Our car gained the main street.

如果他获得了法定监护权呢?What if he gained legal custody?

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不入虎穴,焉得虎子。Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

靠这笔交易他赚了5百美元。He gained 500 dollars by this deal.

他一拼到底,赢得胜利!His persistence gained him victory.

每个男孩都赢得了奖品。Each of the boys has gained a prize.

岁月莫从闲中过,成功须向勤中求。Success is to be gained in diligence.

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那些技能在别处也可以得到。Those skills can be gained elsewhere.

这改变显然对他有益。He has obviously gained by the change.

简从她的失败中获益匪浅。Jane has gained much from her failure.

上周我体重又增加了五磅。Last week I gained another five pounds.

他在考试中得了满分。He gained full marks in the examination.

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这才是获得真正胜利的途径。This is where the true victory is gained.

新法例广获赞同。The new laws gained widespread acceptance.

绝地武士,你已经得到了一架对环境友好的X翼战机!Jedi, you’ve gained an eco-friendly X-Wing!