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吴雨我的意思是告诉你。Oh woo I mean to tell you.

这些都是用来向教授求爱的武器啊。Weapons needed to woo the professors.

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尽管你追求他们而我讨你厌。Whom thine eyes woo as mine importune thee.

下面是获得女性芳心的最佳十条方法The following are the ten best ways to woo her

一肚子火气在刀刻斧削中烟消云散。A stomach volume in the finishing woo vanished.

这是不朽的战争而吴把它传递出来了。It's a monumental undertaking and Woo delivers.

但吴说道,该研究结果确实是个好消息。But the results are actually good news, Woo said.

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我昨天雇了帕特里夏。吴来接替她的工作。I hired Patricia Woo to take her place yesterday.

吉普森得想办法邀请一个大碗来吸引观众了。Gibbo will have to woo a big name to draw the crowds.

我决不会用香车和礼物来求婚。i'd never try to woo someone with fine cars or gifts.

我绝不会用香车和礼物来求婚。I will never try to woo someone with fine car or gift.

我决不会用香车和礼物来求婚。I'd not try to woo somefirst dawn fine bikes or gifts.

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他们从来没有故事大纲,除了徐克和吴宇森。They never have storyboard except Tsui Hark, John Woo.

“金融市场的多任务处理能力较差,”吴写到。"Financial markets are poor multi-taskers, " Woo writes.

但是我发出的声音却是,“汪汪汪汪汪!”And what comes out of my voice is, "Woo woo woo woo woo."

但他太胖懒来振作自己,拉拢她。But he was too fat and lazy To bestir himself and woo her.

胡先生一直在洛杉矶的城市规划中担任着领导角色。Woo continues to be a leader in urban planning activities.

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来自香港的吴宇森是一位出色的动作片导演。John Woo from Hong Kong is an excellent action movie director.

我们期待着权相宇的更精彩表现!We look forward to what actor Kwon Sang- woo will show us next!

欢迎来到全新的顺德联谊总会胡兆炽中学图书馆网站!Welcome to the new web-site of STFA Seaward Woo College Library!