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蜡的洁面霜。Wax-based cleansing cream.

什么是清肠呢?What is colon cleansing anyway?

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地球将开始她的净化。The Earth shall begin her cleansing.

肥皂和热水去污力强。Soap and hot water are very cleansing.

亚玛逊白泥毛孔深层清洁面膜。Kiehl's . Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque.

泰安金元宝。洁清洗有限公司。Taian gold bullions. Cleaning cleansing Limited.

该政府正致力于清除其自身的积弊。The government is cleansing its own Augeon stables.

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温和无油和无皂泡沫清洁凝胶。A mild oil-free and soap-free foaming cleansing gel.

皮肤是油,面尝试清洗一天两次。S skin is oilier , try facial cleansing twice a day.

通常,你必须饮用特殊的清洗液。Usually, you must drink a special cleansing solution.

千万别错过如此性质温和清洁力又好的产品哦。You can't beat this for mildness and cleansing power.

前方新梦想会调整净化时期的行动。The new dream sets in motion a time of cleansing ahead.

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失赴爱女之痛对我然而言是一种净化。The pain of losing my child was a cleansing experience.

每天晚上清洁后取适量涂抹脸部,并以指尖轻轻按摩。After cleansing and toning , apply to face in the night.

赫茨费尔德称这种方法是“空间清洗”。Mr. Herzfeld called this approach "spatial cleansing. ""

一个贼偷了一只鸡,到河边拔毛清洗。A thief stole a chicken, to the river epilation cleansing.

离子发生器也有助于通风和清洁空气。Also an ionizer is helpful for aeration and air cleansing.

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这款按摩霜可以代替日常的洁面霜。This massage cream can replace your usual cleansing cream.

轻按压喷嘴即获乳液,均匀涂抹于湿润的面部和颈部。Apply small dabs of Organic Cleansing Milk to face and neck.

清洗和保湿是每晚临睡前必须的功课。Cleansing and moisturizing every night before bed is a must.