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芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香。Parsley sage, rosemary and thyme.

小蜜蜂欧芹草本抗痘露。Burt's Bees Parsley Blemish Stick.

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香菜等绿色调味品。Parsley and other green garnishes.

加盐,胡椒粉和碎欧芹。Add salt, pepper, and chopped parsley.

双子座比较喜欢姜和西芹口味。The twins are fond of ginger and parsley.

最后洒上芫茜即成。Sprinkle chopped parsley on top and serve.

然后捞出盛盘,撒上杏仁及西芹块即可。Sprinkle with almonds and chopped parsley.

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这道菜用胡萝卜和香芹作为点缀。The dish was dressed with carrot and parsley.

他用欧芹的嫩枝点缀在鸡上。He decorated the chicken with sprigs of parsley.

取出香料包、将欧芹搅拌加入。Remove the bouquet garni and stir in the parsley.

平叶荷兰芹更轻易用作烹饪。Flat-leaf parsley is easier to work with for cooking.

如果你不想服用补充品,那么试着咀嚼一点欧芹。If supplements aren’t your thing, try a little parsley.

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荷兰芹通常用在羊肉,鱼肉和牛肉中。Parsley is often served with lamb fish and beef dishes.

然后移入盘内,撒上羊奶酪和碎欧芹。Slide out onto plate and sprinkle with feta and parsley.

如果担心坏血病也可以添加一些切碎的香菜。Those fearing scurvy might add some chopped parsley too.

清新你的口腔香菜是最棒的清新剂。Freshen Your Breath Parsley is a terrific breath reviver.

有机橄榄油,有机大蒜,有机香菜。Salba, organic olive oil, organic garlic, organic parsley.

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抹上一层雪丽糊,撤上香菜。Shirley cast a layer of paste, to withdraw on the parsley.

撒一些欧芹,倒入铺有生菜叶的大碗中,趁热食用。Sprinkle with parsley. Serve warm in a lettuce-lined bowl.

蕴含多种如蓝甘菊、芦荟、绿茶及香芹籽等纯净植物萃取。Aloe Vera, Green Tea and Parsley Seed extracts to name a few.