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有大把时间享受这一短暂的迷幻之路。Allow plenty of time for this deceptively short journey.

这考试看似简单,因此许多粗心的学生都考得不好。The exam was deceptively easy, so many careless students did not do well on it.

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野鸡大学的名字往往跟某些知名大学很接近,以混淆视听。Name of institution is deceptively similar to well known reputable universities.

这个极其简单的虚拟捕食--被捕食游戏引发了一些显著而强烈的情绪。This deceptively minimalist predator-prey game triggers some remarkably intense feelings.

但由于风吹过,冰盖面积在2008年和2009年明显回升-但也许这些只是暂时的假象。But as it happened, ice cover in 2008 and 2009 rebounded significantly — but perhaps deceptively so.

这些遥视者用的是看似简单的方法,这种方法是建立在所谓的甘兹菲尔德技术的基础上的。The remote viewers used a deceptively simple method based on what is known as the Ganzfeld technique.

所罗门女士指出,她胖乎乎的而天真无邪,看似诚实,其实用“幽默作托词,亲密作烟幕”。Cherubic and deceptively guileless, she used "humour as a dodge, intimacy as a smoke screen", Ms Salomon notes.

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像大多数他的诗一样,弗洛斯特非常擅长于使用容易令人产生多充理解的简单的词语和意象,来表达他的蕴意。Like most of his poems, Frost is so very good at using deceptively simple words and images to convey his parables.

必发的构想诞生于网络泡沫结束之际,和其他创意一样,它似乎简单得令人难以置信。The idea was of its time, arriving at the end of the dotcom boom. And like all good ideas, it was deceptively simple.

解决难题是一个看似简单的过程,它能使你想出有创意的解决问题的方法,以便应对压力。Problem solving is a deceptively simple process that enables you to come up with creative solutions for managing your stress.

书中特别强调乔布斯的这些如今看似不费吹灰之力的想法皆缘于他们无限的直觉与预见性。The book emphasizes how deceptively effortless Mr. Jobs’s ideas now seem because of their extreme intuitiveness and foresight.

对于某些各自学科中使人迷惑的问题,跨学科的知识积累使得他们获得了独特和闪光的灵感。For them, this cross-fertilization of disciplines has inspired unique and brilliant ideas that sometimes seem deceptively simple.

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虽然笔触轻盈,泰勒创作了一幅极其现实而终究是乐观的婚姻生活肖像。With a deceptively light touch, Tyler creates a stunningly realistic, and ultimately optimistic, portrait of marriage. Hadley Freeman

然后它沿着湖边行走寻找水中的鲑鱼,用一种欺骗性的轻松步履来掩盖它巨大的力量。Then it moved on, patrolling the water's edge for salmon with that deceptively easy lope that disguises the species' immense strength.

接着,他的口气变得严肃起来,就像教练在与貌似谦逊对手对决前告诫队员一样。Then his voice grew serious, the way a coach might caution his team about the impending face-off with a deceptively courteous opponent.

在塔利班令人迷惑的迅速倒台的八年之后,由北约领导的部队在阿富汗的前景比以往任何时候都更糟。EIGHT years after the deceptively swift toppling of the Taliban, the prospects for the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan seem worse than ever.

“广告里,快乐为儿童餐包括了玩具,麦当劳的不公平和欺骗性的市场直接指向了儿童,”CSPI在信中写到。"By advertising that Happy Meals include toys, McDonald's unfairly and deceptively markets directly to children," the CSPI writes in the letter.

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骑车行进时会产生一股颇有欺骗性的凉风,直到下午6点停下车来,我们才发现自己累得够呛。The action of cycling generated a deceptively cooling breeze and it was not until we stopped at 6pm that we realised how dazed and drained we were.

毕竟,计算机的美妙之处在于,它们可以生成看上去精确得令人高兴——尽管具有欺骗性——的交易策略与报告。After all, the beauty of number-crunchers is that they produce trading strategies and reports that appear delightfully – albeit deceptively – precise.

有不同潜路工作的电路中,用光耦建立电流隔离看上去似乎很简单。It seems deceptively simple to establish galvanic isolation with the help of optocouplers between circuits that operate at different ground potentials.