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这是一个主要的争论点。This is a major point of contention.

按源代码行列出资源争用数据。Lists resource contention data by source code line.

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“上善若水,水利万物而不争”。The good is like water, water all things without contention.

固定沙丘群落的演替动力是种间竞争的结果。But that of the fixed dunes is the contention between species.

而且,中国和沙特也有一些争论的焦点。Moreover, the Chinese and Saudis do have some bones of contention.

他又列举了西班牙、墨西哥、俄罗斯和法国支持他的论点。He listed Spain,Mexico,Russia and France to support his contention.

不过,格伦·约翰逊和法比奥·奥雷里奥则已经可以参加比赛了。However, Glen Johnson and Fabio Aurelio could come into contention.

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男人喜欢高跟鞋,这大概没什么争议。If the man likes high-heel shoe , there is not contention for this.

使用单独一个线程池可能会导致严重的锁争用。Having a single thread pool could cause significant lock contention.

最近数月,普拉托也成了外交上的焦点。In recent months, Prato has become a diplomatic point of contention.

第一列是时间,表明什么时候锁出现了竞争。The first lane is Time, indicating when this lock contention occurs.

两个人都带着挑战,至少是争论的神气,气虎虎地站在那里。They stood there with an air of defiance, or at least of contention.

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马克•欧文斯写给福凯的信一直处于舆论漩涡的中心。Mark Owens’s letter to Fouche has been a particular point of contention.

马斯切拉诺将会回到周日做客富勒姆的比赛。Mascherano will be back in contention for next weekend's trip to Fulham.

我们分别把这两种情况称作“锁竞争时间”和“等待时间”。We identify these two cases as Contention Time and Wait Time respectively.

而且,目前的争用检测工具也很差。Moreover, the current state of tools for detecting contention is quite poor.

在我看来,这其实是在伤害金融机构。It's kind of my contention that it's actually hurting financial institutions.

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如果说“休克原理”这部书有时过于好高骛远,它的主要论断还是精到的。If The Shock Doctrine overreaches at times, its central contention is spot on.

提供非同步的版本只是为了展示争用的开销。The unsynchronized version is present only to show the overhead of contention.

所以可以进行超高效率的缓存,避免锁定和争用问题。So you can do super-efficient caching and avoid locking and contention problems.