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这封信是他给哈里发。The letter he sent to the caliph.

928年他自立为哈里发。In 928 he declared himself caliph.

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又要让哈里发演示该如何战斗?。Yet again the caliph must show you how to fight?

巴格达的国王驾著魔毯飞到了阿拉伯半岛。The caliph of bagdad fly on his magic carpet to Arabia.

逊尼派哈里发,是精神文明建设和政治领导社会。The Sunni caliph is the spiritual and political head of the community.

众多的追随者相信他们的哈里发死亡是一个新时代的开始。Many followers believe the death of their caliph is the beginning of a new era.

安贾尔是于八世纪初,由卡利夫·瓦利德一世设计建立的城市,其整体布局井井有条,使人联想起古代的宫殿。The city of Anjar was founded by Caliph Walid I at the beginning of the 8th century.

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荷兰则试图制止它管理的穆斯林听从哈里发的指示。The Dutch tried to stop their Muslim subjects deferring to the caliph in their public prayers.

纳杰夫,被谋杀的四世伊斯兰阿里发艾利的神龛,是什叶派穆斯林的圣地。The shrine of Ali, the assassinated fourth caliph of Islam, is a holy place for Shi'ites in Najaf.

后来,哈里发欧麦尔禁止之,是因为社会原因,即伊斯兰社会正在飞速扩张中。Later on Caliph Umar prohibited it due to social reasons as the Islamic community was rapidly expanding.

在哈里发逝世当天,瓦德总统就从塞内加尔首都达喀尔出发。President Abdoulaye Wade made the journey from the Senegalese capital of Dakar on the day of Caliph Mbacke's death.

据说,那些看到卡利弗•奥马尔手杖的敌人,会比看到别人的宝剑更为胆战心惊。It was said of the Caliph Omar that his walking-stick struck more terror into those who saw it than another man's sword.

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从一个伊斯兰教的伦敦市长开始,然后到哈利法攀升到英国王位为止。这只是一个时间问题。Youbegin with an Islamic mayor in London and will end with a Caliph ascending theEnglish throne. It's only a question of time.

谢尔库赫在乡间基本上处于闲置状态,未能袭击围攻亚历山大的军队或控制着法蒂玛哈里发的开罗守军。Shirkuh remained largely inactive in the countryside, failing to attack either the besieging army or the garrisoned city of Cairo, which held the Fatimid Caliph.

对知识的好奇不仅使他热情地支持基督教学者,而且与穆斯林巴格达的哈里发进行友好的通讯往来。His intellectual curiosity led him not only into an enthusiastic support of the Church's scholars, but also into a friendly correspondence with the Moslem Caliph of Baghdad.

相传这些湖是因哈里发阿里产生的,他奇迹般的建造出了土堤以阻挡一条危险的河流,这也使得当地的一位异教徒国王皈依了穆斯林。Legend has it the lakes were formed by Caliph Ali who miraculously raised the retaining walls to dam a dangerous river, thereby impressing a local pagan king who converted to Islam.

伊本•阿西尔声称,哈里发之所以选择萨拉丁,是因为谋臣们说“没有人比萨拉丁更弱小更年轻”,而且“没有一个埃米尔遵从于他、效力于他”。Ibn al-Athir claims that the caliph chose him after being told by his advisers that "there is no one weaker or younger" than Saladin, and "not one of the emirs obeyed him or served him.

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其他穆斯林认为伊巴底穆斯林出走派别的一个分支,是最早的穆斯林宗派,曾是伊斯兰第四届领袖阿里的支持者。The Ibadi Muslims are considered by other Muslims to be a branch of the Kharijites, the earliest Muslim sect which was originally among the supporters of Ali, the fourth caliph of Islam.

伊玛丁记载说,在谢尔库赫的短暂哀悼期内,埃及宫廷经历了“意见不一”,赞吉埃米尔们此后选择了萨拉丁并迫使哈里发“任命他为维齐尔”。" Imad ad-Din wrote that after the brief mourning period of Shirkuh, during which "opinions differed", the Zengid emirs decided upon Saladin and forced the caliph to "invest him as vizier.

这座墓地靠近宗教领袖阿里·伊本·艾比·塔利卜的圣殿,他是首位什叶派伊玛目,同时也是伊斯兰教历史上第四任哈里发,因此伊拉克几乎所有的什叶派穆斯林都要求葬在此处。The site is located close to the shrine of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, the first Shia Imam and fourth Caliph and as a result nearly all Iraq's Shi'a muslim population request to be buried there.