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你也看不到上面有任何的长毛现象。You don\'t see any fuzz on it.

模糊测试的实现是一个非常简单的过程Fuzz testing is a very simple procedure to implement

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我什么都看不见,但可以感受到它身上的茸毛摩擦着我的鼻孔。I can't see a thing, but I can feel his fuzz in my nostrils.

刚长出来的嫩芽上有些细小的茸毛。There is some tiny fuzz on the newly emerged tender sprouts.

“白云”的第一胎大约有4英寸长,浑身长满了白色的茸毛。Bai Yun's newborn was about 4 inches long and covered with white fuzz.

接着会张出黄绿色的绒叶,在阳光下映出淡绿的光辉。Later, they grow chartreuse fuzz , making pale green auras in the sun.

而警察还被起了很多侮辱性的绰号,如“猪”和“细毛”。The latter are given many derogatory nicknames such as, "pigs" and " fuzz ".

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著名的白茶品种为“白毛银针”和“白牡丹”。The most famous varieties are "silver Needles White Fuzz" and "White Peony".

因为这个系统会“修饰”歌唱者的歌声,这样观众就听不出他们跑调了。Instead it would "fuzz" the singer's voice to disguise the fact they are off key.

我是说,他们自己制作效果盒,你知道吗?他们自己制作模糊音装置。I mean, they made their own effects boxes, you know? They made their own fuzz boxes.

并且狗在咬球的时候球身上的毛会磨损它的牙齿。Also, dogs who chew on tennis balls can wear down their teeth on the tough outer fuzz.

尽管模糊测试通常需要一些手动编码,但还有一些工具能提供帮助。Although fuzz testing usually requires some manual coding, there are tools that can help.

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我还记得自己的一些例如拔地毯的茸毛或者旋转盘子几个小时的行为。I remember some behaviors like picking carpet fuzz and watching spinning plates for hours.

她抓了抓头上的绒毛,她戴着假发,剪成一条一条被熊爪抓过的样子。She scratched the fuzz on her head, which she had buzz-cut into a series of bear-claw scratch patterns.

探讨黄山毛峰制作技术中存在问题的解决办法及对策。Discussing the existing problem of craft of Yellow Mountain Fuzz Tip and its solution and countermeasures.

幼虫淡黄色,体背有黑色斑点二排,两侧有白色瘤突,瘤上着生细毛。Larvae light yellow, the body back has black spot two row, both sides have white tumor of sudden, bears the fuzz.

由模糊测试导致的许多故障都是内存分配错误及缓冲器溢出的结果。Many of the crashes resulting from fuzz testing are direct results of memory allocation mistakes and buffer overflows.

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从玻纤生产各工序出发,并以浸润剂技术为重点,分析了玻纤毛丝产生的原因。The causes of fuzz formation in each step of glass fiber production were analyzed, with sizing technology as a focal point.

这几天,西湖边、运河边,微风一起就能看到漫天的柳絮飘飘。The past few days, by the Westlake and by the canals, with a gentle breeze you can see the whole sky fill with willow fuzz.

以医疗诊断的实际情况为出发点,指出模糊数学对于病情判断的辅助作用。Using the fact of mescal diagnose as a start, the paper indicates the assistant Junction of fuzz maths to illness judgment.