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这就是我所谓的自我内在化。This is what I call the internalization of man.

人民币国际化必须采取三步走战略。Internalization of RMB must take three-steps strategy.

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各种氨基酸输送位点很少发生内在化。Little internalization of various acid transport sites occurs.

各种氨基酸输送位点很少发生内在化。Little internalization of various amino acid transport sites occurs.

我想更详细阐述我对蜕变性内化的看法。I want to elaborate on some of my ideas about transmuting internalization.

这是我现在对蜕变性内化的理解。That is how I conceptualize the process of transmuting internalization now.

有些解析器的实现可能不支持字符串内部化特性。Some parser implementations may not support the string internalization feature.

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确实如此,通过情绪的内化,品牌将重新学会如何说话。Indeed. Through the internalization of sentiment, brands will relearn how to speak.

第一章为环境成本内部化理论研究。Chapter one is the theoretical research on the internalization of environmental cost.

总体说来,“德”观念的发展呈内在化、普世化之趋势。In general, the development of "De" presented a internalization and generalization tendency.

综合这些理论可以得到客户内部化的流程分析图。If we synthesize these theories, we can get the flow analysis chart of client internalization.

对照组中,脾细胞中的葡萄糖转化和胰岛素反应弱于胸腺细胞。Control glucose internalization and insulin responses were lower in splenocytes than in thymocytes.

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国外引智工作在研究型大学国际化进程中有着相当重要的地位。The import of brainpower from abroad plays a major role in the internalization of a research university.

因此,这种“关系圈内”的交易具有企业内化的契约关系。Therefore, the inside-circle-relation trade inheres the contractual relationship of corporate internalization.

创造性思维能力的培养和内化将有利于学生的全面发展。The cultivation and internalization of creative thinking is beneficial to the all-round development of students.

外在化、社会化、联合化和内在化是共享系统的四个关键过程。The sharing system includes four key processes, externalization, socialization, combination and internalization.

大学文化通过建构、内化、升华的作用完成育人的过程。University culture completes the process of educating people with construction, internalization and sublimation.

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佛洛依德的理论暗示超我是一种对父亲人物和文化制约的象征性的内化。Freud's theory implies that the super-ego is a symbolic internalization of the father figure and cultural regulations.

而其洞穴喻视觉的内在化方式,则代表着整个西方哲学的视觉中心主义最初的完备形态。The optical internalization implied by this metaphor is the first figure of the optical centralism in the west philosophy.

大学德育的对象是智商较高、思想活跃的群体,要使德育深入人心,必须强化和完善德育内化的机制。To strike root in the hearts of people, the internalization mechanism of moral education should be strengthened and perfected.