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黏膜肌层起源于黏膜下层的肌肉干细胞。The muscularis mucosae derived from the muscle stem cells in the submucosa.

粘膜下层的毛细林巴营和淋巴管多位于粘膜肌的直下方。Lymphatics in the submucosa were found in the depth of the muscularis mucosa.

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外膜为浆膜,与黏膜下层分界不明显。The boundary between tunica adventitia which is serosa and submucosa is not obvious.

消化道管壁由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和外膜组成。The wall of the digestive tract includes mucosa, submucosa muscular layer and adventitia.

第15周时,可见十二指肠中的肠腺延伸入粘膜下层形成粘液性细胞组成的十二指肠腺。At 15th week, intestinal gland in duodenum extend into submucosa to form mucous cell's duodenal gland.

图示胃粘膜下层广泛纤维化,三色染色呈蓝色。Here in the stomach, a trichrome stain demonstrates a blue submucosa because of the extensive fibrosis.

此图所示的是胃粘膜三色染色的镜下形态学变化,可见蓝染的为粘膜下发生的广泛的纤维化。Here in the stomach, a trichrome stain demonstrates a blue submucosa because of the extensive fibrosis.

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胃三色染色显示在黏膜下层胶原纤维沉积处染上深蓝色。This trichrome stain of the stomach demonstrates intense blue staining in the submucosa from the collagen deposition.

模型组大鼠胃粘膜下层充血,粘膜上皮细胞近胃腔部腺上皮脱落。There was hyperemia in gastric submucosa and abscission of glandular epithelium in mucosa epithelial cells in model group.

目的探讨内口切开切口延长黏膜结扎术治疗直肠黏膜下脓肿的疗效。Objective To investigate the curative effect of internal opening and rectum submucosa ligation on Abscess of rectum submucosa.

用二极管或氩激光沿软骨性咽鼓管汽化肥厚的粘膜和粘膜下层。A diode or argon laser was used to vaporize areas of hypertrophic mucosa and submucosa along the cartilaginous eustachian tube.

在肌层和粘膜下层靠近环行肌一侧可见到氮能神经节。Some nitrergic nerve ganglions were observed in the muscle layer or in the submucosa along the side of the circular muscle layer.

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并描述其起止经路。发现公、母水牛的犁鼻神经在鼻中隔粘膜下层伸延的纤维束数目不同。The vomeronasal nerve of male and female buffalo on the nasal septum submucosa had been revealed different number of nervous fibers.

死后病理变化可见气囊于黏膜下层,有时在浆膜下层亦有,主要侵犯空肠、迥肠、盲肠及升结肠。Pathology revealed air cysts in submucosa and some cases in subserosa. They mainly located at jejunum, ileum, cecum and ascending colon.

通过常规内窥镜检查,在296例大肠癌中,发现32例早期大肠癌,其中18例为粘膜层癌、14例为浸润粘膜下层癌。Out of 296 colon cancers undergone conventional fibercoloscopy 32 were early cancers. Of these, mucosa was involved in 18 and submucosa 14.

盲肠中肥大细胞主要分布在固有层和粘膜下层突向肠腔形成的皱襞中轴,肌层也有少量分布。In cecum, mast cells mainly lied in lamina propria and submucosa turn to folds, there were small quantity distribution in tunica muscularis.

结果表明,呼吸道肥大细胞大致上分布于粘膜固有层及粘膜下层结缔组织内。It is shown that mast cells of respiratory tract were mainly distributed in mucosa and the connective tissues of submucosa in those apparatus.

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左边可见裂缝从黏膜延伸到黏膜下层、肌层,最终形成瘘管。Seen here is a fissure extending through mucosa at the left into the submucosa toward the muscular wall, which eventually will form a fistula.

肾上腺素能神经在粘膜下层和肌层常攀附小动脉壁,在动脉中、外膜之间形成丛。Both artery and vein in submucosa were enclosed by adrenergic nerves that formed plexus between tunica adventitia tunica medium of the vessels.

左边正常的胃上皮与右边的肿瘤相连,呈不规则样的腺样癌组织向下侵蚀到粘膜下层。Normal gastric epithelium at the left merges into the carcinoma at the right, and irregular neoplastic glands infiltrate downward into the submucosa.