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各种地方。abundance of things here.

他拥有大量的激光唱片。He has an abundance of CDs.

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对聪明人来说,刚够已是丰足了。Enough is abundance to the wise.

她们有丰富的心理世界。They have an abundance mentality.

可供地毯货源充足。Carpets are available in abundance.

我把它成为丰裕的魔咒。I called it the curse of abundance.

那是一首非比寻常受欢迎程度的歌曲。It's a Very abundance popular song.

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丰盛光球有什么效果?What will the abundance balloon do?

这不花你好多具体时间。It didn't get abundance of you time.

她的姐姐忌妒心很强。Her sister is Very abundance jealous.

这不花你好多具体时间。It didn't took abundance of you time.

丰度在1956年莫斯科的商店。Abundance in the Moscow shops of 1956.

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县城设在丰城镇。County, cities and towns in abundance.

这刀切起来很锋利。The knife cuts Very abundance cleanly.

她的书占了太多的地方。Her books occupied too abundance space.

咱们的教授非比寻常博学多闻。Our professor is Very abundance scholarly.

这位学者很有学问。The scholar has an abundance of knowledge.

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太多会坏事,太少不济事。Too abundance spoils, too less is nothing.

再加上年老糊涂,他就更是个狂了。His dotage simply do he abundance sadistic.

那里长着大量奇花异草。Exotic plants grew there in great abundance.