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你愿意带我去桃瑞园吗?Will you take me to Tara?

是啊,可桃瑞园又有什么好呢?Yes, and what good is Tara ?

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蒂娜比泰拉更活跃。Tina is more athletic than Tara.

我会让你看看谁是桃瑞园的主人。I'll show you who the owner of Tara is.

等我走了,我把陶乐留给你。And when I'm gone, I'd leave Tara to you.

她是唯一一个比桃瑞园更可恨的东西。She's the only thing I hate worse than Tara.

我比塔拉更加爱说笑,而且我更加喜欢外出。I'm funnier than Tara. And I'm more outgoing.

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可是那样做对桃瑞园是没有多大帮助的。There wouldn't be much help in that for Tara.

蒂娜爱好体育而泰拉喜欢化学。Tina likes physics, but Tara likes chemistry.

要永远记住是她让我们永保桃瑞园的。She's made it possible for us to keep Tara always.

她那样做是为了拯救桃瑞园,你必须明白这个。She did it to save Tara , you must understand that.

我们先赞颂度母,接著才做启请。We praise to Tara first, and then make supplications.

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你是从这样东西那里获得了力量,它是桃瑞园的红土。From which you get your strength. The red earth of Tara.

艾丹竭尽他的演技才能来追求漂亮的塔拉。Aidan turns all his thespian charm on the beautiful Tara.

你尽快回到桃瑞园去,然后呆在那里。You get to Tara just as quick as you can, and stay there.

噢,我喜欢新奥尔良,但是我想回家并去看看桃瑞园。Oh, I love New Orleans, but I want to go home and visit Tara.

不知为何,我开始依赖白度母。Without knowing why, I had become attached to the White Tara.

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她现在住在查尔斯顿,不过波克和百里茜都还在塔拉……She's living in Charleston now. But Pork and Prissy are at Tara.

我恨斯佳丽!她是唯一一个比桃瑞园更可恨的东西。And I hate Scarlett! She's the only thing I hate worse than Tara.

我要挣到足够使北佬们不能从我手中夺走桃瑞园的钱。I'll make enough so the Yankees can never take Tara away from me.