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所以,我的品牌是精神分裂症。So, my brand is schizophrenic.

导致了一种精神分裂症的出现。leads to a kind of schizophrenic existence.

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利培酮可以提高精神分裂症患者的生活质量。Risperidone can improve the life quality in schizophrenic patients.

就这件事来说成为精神分裂症患者是非常罕见的。"It'd beery unusual for this to be a schizophrenic patient, " said Dr.

结论利培酮明显改善精神分裂症患者记忆功能。Risperidone can effectively improve memory function of schizophrenic patients.

王彦许带儿子去了一家精神病院,那里的大夫说他是精神分裂症。Yanxu took his son to a mental hospital, where doctors said he was schizophrenic.

我们生活在一个分裂的社会,当提到幸福,我们所有人都很混乱。We live in a schizophrenic society and we’re all messed up when it comes to happiness.

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根据医疗记录,那里的医生诊断他为精神偏执患者。According to medical records, doctors there diagnosed Mr. Chen as paranoid schizophrenic.

相反,女性精神分裂患者体内,这种激素水平更高。And conversely schizophrenic women have been shown to have higher levels of this hormone.

说捐助者们精神分裂,是因为他们心里知道这样的计划是不现实的。And it's schizophrenic because in their hearts donors know that's not a realistic agenda.

到底“罗伯特”的发狂是因为吃了迷幻药呢,还是精神病发作?Was “Robert” out of his mind on hallucinogenic drugs, or was he having a schizophrenic breakdown?

可用在今后接受阿利哌唑治疗的精神分裂症患者的临床实践中。It can be applied to the future clinical observations after aripiprazole among schizophrenic people.

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他们相信,这种方法能使当时尚未有治疗方法的精神分裂病患者摆脱情绪困扰。This would leave incurably schizophrenic patients relieved of their emotional distress, they believed.

是一出以虐待的反复循环的醉人反响为能源的基督受到灾难剧。A schizophrenic passion play that feeds on the intoxicating repercussions of the repetitive cycle of abuse.

经济学家长久以来都用一种精神分裂般的态度看待小概率但高成本的事件。Economists over the years have had a schizophrenic attitude toward low probability but highly costly events.

目的探讨精神分裂症患者脑血流速度的影响因素并对其进行分析。Objective To explore the influence factors of the velocity of cerebral blood flow with schizophrenic patients.

精神分裂症患者打开到一个他们不知道如何内在导航的实相,就会迷失。The schizophrenic is open to a reality that they do not know how to navigate within and as a result, are lost.

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目的探索森田疗法在精神分裂症康复期的治疗价值。Objective To investigate the therapeutic value of Morita therapy for schizophrenic patients in recovery period.

经历了患有神经分裂症的母亲带来的伤痛和错位的成长过程,她很乐意将这些名著拿在手中。Scarred by her schizophrenic mother and dislocated upbringing, she was happy to have the classics put in her hand.

目的探讨精神分裂症患者的病前适应能力与攻击行为的关系。Objective To estimate the relationship between premorbid adjustment and violent behavior in schizophrenic patients.