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当唯一的继承人死去了之后没儿子,那这个姓就要绝迹了。A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies any son.

当唯一的继承人死去了之后没儿子,那这个姓就要绝迹了。A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies without any son.

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建造新机场的计划看来整个完蛋了。The scheme for building an airport seems to be completely defunct now.

正如你所知我还有一把.50巴雷特反器材步枪,所以你们的装甲车对我来说也就是个靶子。As you know I also own Barrett . 50′s so your APC are defunct and futile.

上了塔,到了一颓败的旋转餐厅,那里我对着朦胧地天空的轮廓,拍了照片。Up a tower to a defunct revolving restaurant, where I snapped photos of the hazy skyline.

脱钩论在2007年到2008年中曾经是主流,在2008年秋天以后破产,但现在换了一种形式又回来了。The decoupling theory was once mainstream from 2007 to 2008, but defunct after last autumn.

在这个2009年11月21日照片,不存在机械见于联合碳化物公司农药厂。In this Nov. 21, 2009 photo, defunct machinery is seen at the Union Carbide pesticide plant.

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除此以外,他对所有无关于己的事情漠不关心。Apart from his study, he is indifferent to everything because he comes from a defunct family.

麦拉孔咨询公司,这家以基于价值管理为核心战略关切的公司,现在基本上就快撑不住而停业了。Marakon, which put value-based management at the core of its strategy concentration, is essentially defunct.

去年一月,当中国击落一颗出故障的气象卫星时,西方国家表示了抗议。When China shot down a defunct weather satellite last January, there were protests from western governments.

Little专门经营买下所有已倒闭的公司并在反向收购中卖出它们的业务。Little, a Texas entrepreneur who specialized in buying up defunct companies and selling them in reverse mergers.

科学家开发出了一种强有力的抗疟疾药物,它还能够恢复已经失去疗效的抗疟药的活性。Scientists have created a potent antimalarial drug that can also resurrect the activity of defunct antimalarials.

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另外一个可能是一个在太空盘旋的废人造卫星躲过了美国军方的监控系统。Another possibility would be a defunct satellite tumbling out of space and eluding the Air Force’s detection system.

不过从新闻业的角度而言,这些网站会迅速填补由于TechCrunch倒闭而留下的空白。But as far as journalism is concerned, these sites more than fill the space a defunct TechCrunch would leave behind.

如今,他在已经倒闭的德尔福汽车零部件公司的高技术复合材料工厂获得了一份好工作。Today, he holds a good-paying job at a high-tech composites factory housed inside a defunct Delphi auto parts plant.

里斯本条约明确了欧盟作为一个国家的核心价值观,令它从头到脚就像早已消失的石器时代部落一样。The Treaty of Lisbon crystallizes the EU's core belief that nation states are every bit as defunct as Stone Age tribes.

已经停业的新加坡一间卫理书店,帮我买到大多数齐克果著作的英译本。The now defunct Methodist Bookstore in Singapore helped me get most of the English translations of Kierkegaard's works.

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一颗美国报废卫星将会在周五撞击地球,然而却没有知道这枚卫星具体会在哪里着陆。A defunct U.S. satellite is expected to crash down to Earth Friday, with nobody knowing where or when exactly it will hit.

在另外一篇短文中,他补充道,“福利社会和市场社会都已不复存在,这两项也证明了体制的失败。”In a separate essay, he added, “The welfare state and the market state are now two defunct and mutually supporting failures.”

罗曼伦修投行那些想依靠让已倒闭的公司成为假设票商为公司公开发售股票的代表们,拒绝对此发表评论。Representatives of Rodman &Renshaw, which itself went public by assuming the ticker of a defunct company, declined to comment.