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这调子对我来说太高兴了。This key is too hight for me.

他被称作“漂亮的查理”。He was hight Charles the Fair.

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被命名为霍利约克的大厦。The house hight after Holyoake.

我自幼就比较喜欢鱼。I prefer to fish at hight shcool.

谁能担保你不逃跑呢?Who could hight you not to escape?

他的弟弟是个中学生。His brother is a hight school student.

国王命令他们向城堡发起进攻。The king hight them to attack the castle.

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在山丘和谷地上飘荡。That floats on hight o'er vales and hills.

有益地利用时间是一门很高的艺术。How to use one's time constructively is a hight art.

今天我由上窰村行到万宜水库,途中遇到很多东西,我们走了20多公里。Today we go to hight Island, we walk more than twenty km.

盖盖微波炉高火转4分钟,中途搅拌一次。Cover and microwave on hight for 4 minutes, stirring once.

具有发光率高,显色指数高,节能优良性能。High efficient to light, hight color index, energy-saving.

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由于汽油的价格很贵,所以我宁愿坐火车去。Due to the hight cost of gasoline, I prefer to travel by train.

你们的设计和产品的高质量给我留下了很深的印象。I am deeply impressed by your design , And the hight quality of your products.

我一毕业很快就在银行找到了一份既体面,收入又高的工作。I immediately found a decant job with hight salary in a bank after graduation.

我们被高新技术的飞速发展弄得不知所措。We have been dizzied by the speedy development of the new and hight technology.

如果您需要高品质的机械零件,我们就是您的最佳选择。If you need hight standard for quality, then we are the one you are looking for.

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和其他的高规格,能够满足外地的情况。The hight and other specifications are able to meet the needs of field situation.

随后又发现整个建造位于105米高处,但却没有排水系统。Then it turned out the the restaurant located at a hight of 105 meters, has no sewer system.

串联盘管道连续输送机是一种高效,环保散料传输机。Continuous conveyer of disc-tube assembly is scattered material conveyer of hight efficiency.