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创建一个策略为你的旅程赚钱。Create a strategy for your mileage earning.

你不能指望着一个星期会挣300镑。You can't calculate on earning £300 a week.

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但是,一个人,怎么才能增加收入这一边呢?But how can a person increase the earning side?

我的太太为了我没有赚更多的钱而责备我。My wife upbraided me for not earning more money.

你会比治理者得到更多吗?Is it that you might be earning more than a supervisor?

问题就是机会,改善就是赚钱。Problem is opportunity , doing Kaizen is Earning money.

有狡猾就有对纯真的伤害。There is slyness earning you money is innocent mischief.

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想想“印钞机”布拉德和安吉丽娜吧!Think of the earning machine that Brad and Angelina are.

得到全部分数、打开成就徽章。All while earning points and unlocking achievement badges.

做兼职或暑期工是为了金钱。Doing part-time or summer jobs is because of earning money.

他不仅没赚到更多的钱,反而把自己的全部财产输光了。Instead of earning more money, he lost all his possessions.

孩子们在设法构想挣钱的妙策。The boys are trying to devise some scheme of earning money.

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“去染缸那儿了,”我回答,惹得海蒂戳了我一指头。“By the dye vats, ” I answered, earning a poke from Hattie.

获得副学士学位,如果他们是21岁以上的老年人。Earning an associate's degree if they are 21 years or older.

我写文章和书评挣额外的钱。I was earning extra money writing articles and book reviews.

我曾经发过誓,等我挣钱以后决不再回家。I have sworn-fat, and so I never go home after earning money.

确认你可能获得哪些认证。Identify certifications that you could potentially be earning.

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少则赚取外快,多则月入十万、百万。While earning less than 100,000, while earning extra, million.

你赚钱的长期远景其实非常好。Your long-term outlook for earning money is actually excellent.

获得此标志后即有资格加入少年童子军。Earning this rank prepares a Webelos Scout to become a Boy Scout.