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这就是商业化的精神。Gluttons for commercialism.

一些球迷可能不喜欢商业主义的运作。Some fans may dislike the new commercialism.

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他们仿佛以他们的愚钝的重商主义名声为自豪。They seem to glory in their reputation for crass commercialism.

我非常讨厌我们许多大公司没良心只顾赚钱的商品主义。I dislike the heartless commercialism of many of our big companies.

但在商业主义和实用主义的外表下,徐静蕾做事有她的原则和底线。But underneath her commercialism and pragmatism, she has her principles.

一点点的商业主义能帮助孩子们与同类人间建立联系。A little bit of commercialism can help kids make connections with their peers.

当然,很难说现在西方的商业主义是好还是坏。Sure, the western commercialism is present but it's hard to say if it's bad or not.

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二者在现代重商主义中,很自然地融合在一起。The two are intrinsically mixed in the midst of modern commercialism and attached to.

这是革命英雄精神对上西方消费主义的愚蠢烙印。The heroic spirit of the revolution is confronted with the crass branding of western commercialism.

自Google出现以来,高质量的信息从未如此易受重商主义力量的影响。Since the emergence of Google, quality information has never been so vulnerable to the power of commercialism.

汤姆相信“为钱而挣钱”,他的许多老同学都认为他的把自己卖给了营利主义。Many of his classmates thought that Tom, who believe in"money for money's sake", had sold out to commercialism.

它不像是由某个委员会所写或是因为人口统计或是商业主义而作出了一些让步。It didn't feel like it had been written by committee or with so many concessions to demographic or commercialism.

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随着又一个购物假期的来临,大多数人们对圣诞节期间愈演愈烈的商业主义感到失望。As we approach another week holiday shopping, a lot of us are disheartened by increasing commercialism at Christmas.

人们一直小心翼翼地将商业主义拒之校园之外,这样,无论是学校还是学生,都不会变成一切向钱看。Commercialism has been carefully warded off so that neither universities nor their students would become money-oriented.

南方社会,对他们认为的腐败的现代重商主义,持有一种相当鄙夷的态度It was a society that eventually developed a disdain for what they perceived as the corruptions of modern commercialism.

商业主义、后现代主义对“身体写作”的渗透,是当下语境中女性批评还不十分情愿涉足的文化视域。The penetration of commercialism and postmodernism into the bodily writing is a field that feminism is reluctant to come into currently.

然而人们担心的是,像北京的老居住区一样,京剧可能成为中国狂热的商业主义和现代化的受害者。The worry is that, like the city's old neighborhoods, Beijing opera could fall victim to China's rampant commercialism and modernization.

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然而,令人担忧的是京剧是否会像旧城区一样,成为中国疯狂的商业化和现代化进程的牺牲品。The worry, though, is that, like the old neighborhoods, Beijing opera could fall victim to China’s rampant commercialism and modernization.

克里斯汀.尼克森报报告随着又一个假期购物的即将来临,我们当中的很多人却因圣诞节越来越浓的商业氛围感到失望。Christie Nicholson reportsAs we approach another week holiday shopping a lot of us are disheartened by increasing commercialism at Christmas.

文学商品化是现代派时期诗人们必须面对的现实,在商业主义占主导的美国,尤其如此。Commodity form of literary works is a reality that poets in modernist era have to face, especially those in America where commercialism dominates.