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找一个可以自带酒水的场地。Find a BYOB venue.

世界媒体峰会的会场在哪里?Where is the venue for WMS?

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我觉得演出地点是非常火爆的。I think the venue is very popular.

这算是哪门子的足球盛事?What kind of football venue was this?

军方试图袭击正在阿富汗首都喀布尔一个由总统哈米德-卡尔扎伊召开的全国和平会议.三枚火箭弹落在会场附近。Three rockets landed close to the venue.

敢问能否选定会面地点。Could you choose a venue for the meeting?

我得到了一个相当不错的小场地数量。I got fairly good volume for a small venue.

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蓟县是一种清洁空气和清洁水的场所。Jixian is a clean-air and clean-water venue.

在这方面,以匹兹堡作为会议地点适逢其会。Pittsburgh was a perfect venue for this work.

赞成当日冲销,但必须挑选专业的场所。Day-trading pros must pick professional venue.

会议场地是格兰摩根大厦。Main conference venue is the Glamorgan Building.

这些会议每年都换一个地点召开。The meetings were moved each year to a new venue.

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首先要为“极速演讲”选择一间较大的屋子。A large room is selected as the speed geeing venue.

在倒之前调查清楚聚会地点以及聚会内容。Research the event topic and venue before arriving.

因此,无论他们能到在哪里,都能训练出一条成功的赛级犬。They can train a dog to be successful in any venue.

地点是大埔大尾督香港环保农庄。The venue was the Environmental Protection Farm in Taipo.

出色的的音响成为经常举办音乐会的场所。It has excellent accoustics and often a venue for concerts.

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各家好手齐聚的麒麟艺高的面试会场。Each ace of kylin daredevil gathered in the interview venue.

另一方面,刘焱亦独自潜入会场。On the other hand, Liu Yan also infiltrated the venue alone.

酒店餐厅是一个轻松的国际餐饮场所。Brasserie Restaurant is a relaxed International dining venue.