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与之抗衡的是新闻有限公司,是多默多克新闻集团的分支。Its major rival is News Limited, an offshoot of Murdoch's News Corp.

第二章是论佛教,视做印度教的一个分支。The second chapter is on Buddhism, which is treated as an offshoot of Hinduism.

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另外米国还有超过200间“孔子教室”。The United States is also home to more than 200 offshoot "Confucius Classrooms".

美国总统奥巴马称基地组织分支机构是爆炸事件的策划者。US President Barack Obama says the al-Qaida offshoot was behind the attempted bombing.

人民日报的海外版是国内版的一个小分支。The overseas edition of the People's Daily is a smaller offshoot of the domestic edition.

克劳代特人是中环星域佐兰星原住外星人的一支分支,他们的基因分化纯属意外。Clawdites are a genetic offshoot of the humanoid natives of Zolan, a planet in the Mid Rim.

尤因主要的学术研究是辐射对材料的影响,而那个嗜好是从中衍生出来的。It all began as a "hobby, " an offshoot of his main research on the effects of radiation on materials.

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他的“伊斯兰民族”代表着受人尊崇的美国运动中的一个邪教分支——黑人民族主义。His Nation of Islam represented a cultish offshoot of a venerable American movement, black nationalism.

血橙原产于意大利,是15世纪从亚洲传过来的甜橙的一个分支。Indigenous to Italy, the blood orange is an offshoot of the sweet oranges that came from Asia in the 1400s.

位于即墨,东临黄海,为崂山北部支脉,主峰海拔223米。Is located in Jimo, east of the Yellow Sea, the northern offshoot of Laoshan, peak elevation of 223 meters.

ZWB222系列水力平衡阀用于完成一个系统中各分支回路间的水力平衡。ZWB222 series hydraulic balance valve for finishing hydraulic balance during all offshoot loop of one system.

塞思•休泰克在SETI工作,SETI就是“地外文明搜寻计划”,是美国航空航天局一项早期计划的分支。Seth Shostak works for SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, the offshoot of an earlier NASA program.

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伊拉克议员和安全顾问鲁巴伊说,袭击者身上带有基地组织伊拉克分支的标记。Lawmaker and national security advisor Moafak al Robaie said they bore the hallmarks of the al-Qaida offshoot in Iraq.

按年份上看,在1990年中期,RABS或多或少出现了作为一个分支来努力应用隔离器技术。Chronologically, RABS emerged more or less as an offshoot of efforts to implement isolator technology in the mid-1990s.

抚西河综合整治是抚顺市区内七条支流河整治项目之一。The regulating work of FuXi river is a part of the comprehensive improvement works for seven HunHe offshoot in FuShun section.

大多数叙利亚人是逊尼派穆斯林,但是阿沙德和他的幕僚属于什叶派的一个分支Alawite教派。Most Syrians are Sunni Muslim, but Assad and the ruling elite belong to the minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

我把被测试的树枝放入这个试管,将一支量角器的零刻度线对准第一个侧枝。When I put a test branch in the tube, I aligned the zero degree mark on one compass to match up with the first offshoot branch.

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一些学者称性别选择很少是因为家庭里不喜欢女孩,更多是出于他们感觉需要一个男孩的传统思想。Some argue that sex selection is less a result of families disliking girls, and more an offshoot of them feeling a need for a son.

阿萨德政权由伊斯兰什叶派分支阿拉维特少数派控制,而该国绝对大部分人是逊尼派穆斯林。The Assad regime is dominated by the Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shiite Islam, but the country is overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim.

则琢磨弗洛瑞斯岛人骨甚至可能代表南猿人的一支。Wolpoff of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor wonders whether the Flores find might even represent an offshoot of Australopithecus.