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用笔写上你的蔬菜、水果的名字。Use a Sharpie to write your vegetable and fruit names.

骗子关于市场上大理石象征的评论值得眷注。The sharpie remark on the marble mark in the market is remarkably craple.

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他说,如果你的鞋子磨坏了,一双和鞋子颜色一样的平底帆可能会让你转危为安。If you scuff a shoe, he reveals, "A Sharpie the color of your shoe can save the day!"

至少也该感谢你在聚会上睡着后没用记号笔在你脸上乱画的小伙伴们。Or at least the ones who didn't draw on you with a Sharpie when you fell asleep at a party.

有一次我在飞机上醒过来,那是一次很长的旅行我没有画眼线。所以我只好用一只记号笔。One time I was waking up on a plane, it had been a long flight and I didn't have eyeliner — so I used a Sharpie.

你也可以自己做出些暂时的文身,用马克笔、体绘颜料或者钢笔在身上写字也挺好的。You could also make your own temporary tattoo. Sharpie markers, body paints, and pens work well for writing on your skin too.

她的网站上的一些方案获得广告商赞助,例如她用三福记号笔把文具盒变成提包。Some of the projects on her website are sponsored, such as the pencil case she turned into a clutch bag using Sharpie markers.

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这张用黑色夏普钢笔写的便条字迹很潦草,他没有心思再从我们家的办公文件夹里,拿一张马尼拉纸重新写一遍。The message was scrawled with a black sharpie pen he didn't bother to recap on a manila folder from our home office file drawer.

在美国建这么一座桥的话,虽然是崭新的,但是一些小阿飞还是会在上面刻上自己的名字首字母。Dr. Stephen Maturin 1 day ago Put one in America and, even brand new, some punk would be scribing their initials into the glass or tagging it with a sharpie.

我必须说,我的人生一直很尽力地谨记前事,你不能抹去你所做过的,但以后每一步将更令你深思熟虑。I must say, I am trying to live my life with a sharpie marker approach. You can't erase the strokes you've made, but each step is much bolder and more deliberate.