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我们的目标是超越竖井。Our goal is to transcend silos.

塔塔如何才能超越这种形象?How can Tata transcend that image?

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高级的成功者会超越这些冲动。High achievers transcend these?impulses.

他承诺要超越这些党派纷争。And he promised to transcend those partisan divisions.

BEI应超越SOA,以及类似的成果和项目。BEI should transcend SOA and similar efforts and initiatives.

崇尚优秀,超越自我,追求卓越。Advocate excellence, pursue superexcellence, transcend ourself.

这是超越痛苦与快乐二元性之路。That is the way to transcend the dualities of pain and pleasure.

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要使心灵得到解脱,必须超越法官和受害人。To free your mind you have to transcend the judge and the victim.

他可以上去,超越自己的身体和位置的极限。He's able to rise, to transcend the limits of his own body and station.

当你超越他们时,你就知道了什么叫无限。When you are able to transcend them, you learn the lesson of limitlessness.

当你超越它们时,你就知道了什么叫无限。When you are able to transcend them , you learn the lesson of limitlessness.

根据定义,它们共同的蜂群思维一定超越了它们的小蜜蜂思维。By definition their collective hive mind must transcend their small bee minds.

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相反,伟大的作品超越了它们出身的狭隘局限。Great books, on the contrary, transcend the provincial limits of their origin.

但是智慧却鼓励我们跨出并超越我们自身的局限性。However, wisdom encourages us to stretch beyond and transcend our limitations.

它反映了,但没有超越文化价值的希腊文明。It reflected but did not transcend the cultural values of hellenic civilization.

伟大的帝国超越于它们的固有文化,把它们需要的文化纳入到它们自己的范畴中去。Great empires transcend national culture and naturalize the culture they require.

在印度,网速缓慢意味着几乎没有几个人可以真的超越来到这个世界。In India, low Internet speeds mean few people can actually transcend to this life.

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什么使参选人看起来更加胜任也超越文化边界。What makes candidates appear competent also seems to transcend cultural boundaries.

用心服务,全力以赴,激发潜能,自我超越。Whole-hearted service, and do our best to inspire potentiality, transcend ourselves.

但近来一些女性努力为钢管舞正名,视其为健身运动,以期让挑逗性得到升华。But lately some women have fought to transcend titillation by rebranding it as fitness.