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如果你患上了咽喉炎,那就呆在家吧。If you’ve got strep throat, stay home.

各组儿童的链球菌感染均被记录。All strep infections were recorded for both groups of children.

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因此你的抗体错误地把基底节当成链球菌来攻击。So the antibodies mistake the basal ganglia for strep and attack.

护士为我做了一个快速的链球菌的检查,喉咙没有这个病菌。The nurse gave me a strep test and luckily I didn't have strep throat.

阿考特的母亲表示,他患有因链球菌感染而引起的罕见精神疾病。Acord's mother says he's a rare form of a mental illness triggered by a strep infection.

发展成风湿热的链球菌感染之后获得性主动脉狭窄可能发生。Acquired aortic stenosis may occur after a strep infection that progresses to rheumatic fever.

直到我因为脓毒性咽喉炎两天没去学校,我才知道霍莉多么受人们爱戴。I didn't realize how loved Holly was, though, until I missed two days of work with strep throat.

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链球菌性咽喉炎或孩子划伤腿等常见病患造成死亡的风险基本上已不复存在。The risk of death from something so common as strep throat or a child’s scratched knee virtually vanished.

如果嗓子痛持续多日,应该去看喉科医生治愈这种链球菌感染所致的喉炎。If a sore throat lasts more than a couple of days, see a doctor for a throat culture to rule out strep throat.

在没有做扁桃体摘除的儿童中,122例在整个随访期至少有一次链球菌感染。Among those who did not receive a tonsillectomy, 122 experienced at least one strep infection during the follow-up.

在这种情况下,链球菌细菌蛋白质的代码与基底神经节细胞的代码非常接近。In this case, the protein code on the strep bacteria is a close match with the code on the cells in the basal ganglia.

在扁桃体摘除组,74例儿童在开始日期到16岁之前至少有一次链球菌感染。In the tonsillectomy group, 74 children experienced at least one strep infection after the index date and before age 16.

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对青霉素敏感的细菌,包括咽炎、脑膜炎、气性坏疽、梅毒和淋病的致病菌。Among the Bacteria susceptible to penicillin are those causing strep throat, spinal meningitis, gas gangrene, and syphilis.

他生前就曾饱受疾病之苦,曾患肾病、天花、伤寒、扁桃腺炎及咽喉炎。Mozart suffered illness throughout his life, including kidney disease, smallpox, typhoid fever, tonsillitis and strep throat.

这意味着,他们经常发现自己采取行动在所有事实弄清楚之前,链球菌的细菌真的可以引起强迫症吗?Which means that they often find themselves acting before all the facts are in. Can strep bacteria cause obsessive-compulsive disorder?

“这些研究表明,扁桃体摘除术是治疗儿童咽部复发链球菌感染的一种有效方法”。"These results suggest that tonsillectomy is a useful therapy for treating children with recurrent strep throat infections, " says Laura Orvidas, M.

根据疾病防控中心数据,每年都有好几百万例这类的轻微链球菌感染报道。According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are several million cases of this less-serious strain of strep reported each year.

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由于感冒引起的脓毒性咽喉炎而缺席周二对阵尼克斯比赛的加索尔也随队前往了迈阿密,但是到目前为止还不能确定他是否能上场比赛。Pau Gasol, who missed Tuesday's game against the Knicks with strep throat, made the trip but it's not certain whether he'll be able to go Friday against the Heat.

席格斯和同事在研究报告中写道,根据目击者的描述,莫扎特患病时伴有“炎症性高烧”,这与脓毒性喉炎的症状相符。According to witness accounts, Mozart fell ill with an " inflammatory fever," which is consistent with strep throat, Zegers and his colleagues wrote in their report.

当你的身体认为在与链球菌感染做斗争时,从链球菌到西德纳姆舞蹈症的生物连锁反应就开始了,实际你启动了攻击自身的一个过程,称为分子模仿。The biological cascade from strep to Sydenham's starts when the body, thinking it is fighting the infection, begins to fight itself in a process known as molecular mimicry.