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这个问题是纯理论的。The question is purely academic.

但结果却是纯尼德兰式的。But the result is purely Flemish.

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差异纯粹是审美的。The difference is purely aesthetic.

遇见你纯属意外,爱上你纯属虚构。Meet you, love you purely fictional.

然而,泡沫仅仅是审美上的需要。Lather, however, is purely aesthetic.

在这一类的应用软件当中,有一些是完全数码化的。Some of these apps are purely digital.

一个纯粹的物理对象能坠入爱河吗Could a purely physical being fall in love?

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服装设计,这是纯属岂有此理!Design a costume that is purely outrageous!

全天然野生植物,了不起的口味。Purely natural wild plants taste marvelous.

我们知道狗摇尾巴纯粹是为了交流。We know that tail-wagging is purely social.

没有谁的生活会永远单纯的只有喜或只有悲。No one can live in purely sad or happy life.

水果汁——纯天然保健饮料。Fruit juice -- a purely natural health drink.

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你有多少的RSS供稿纯粹是“垃圾”呢?How much of your RSS feeds are purely “junk”?

政治必须成为一个纯粹的世俗事务。Politics must become a purely worldly affair.

服装设计,这是纯属岂有此理!EG. Design a costume that is purely outrageous!

我纯洁地爱你,如人们在赞美前会垂首。I love thee purely , as men steive form Praise.

它们纯粹是风格和惯例问题。They are purely issues of style and convention.

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这种纯属民间的娱乐活动成了断档。This has become a purely non-entertainment gap.

天然的。没有经过任何人为的雕琢!It's purely natural. Un-touched by human being !

所以,我不能说它是完全宗教的。So, I am reluctant to say it's purely religious.