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各种基于生物特征的非接触式识别技术应运而生。Therefore, all kinds of non-contact biometrics based on biometrics have emerged.

克拉姆瓦森表示,迄今为止,语音生物测定的应用规模较小。So far, voice biometrics implementations have been small scale, says Mr Cramoyson.

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下一项可能被应用于多点触摸的技术看起来没有那么智能化。Biometrics Fusion The next possible addition to Multi Touch seems like a no-brainer.

生物认证供应商经常忽略的另一个问题是输入机制的安全性。Another problem that biometrics vendors often overlook is the security of the input mechanism.

你可以使用其它的手指或者你还可以使用IBM研究的一个新的主意,称为“可取消的生物信息”。You could use another finger, or, you could use a new idea from IBM Research called " cancelable biometrics."

PIER设备将与美国国防部的生物测定自动工具集系统连接使用。The PIER devices will be used in connection with the Defense Department’s Biometrics Automated Toolset system.

指纹识别是技术较为成熟且应用广泛的生物识别技术分支。The fingerprint identification is one branch of the fully developed and widely used biometrics identifications.

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此外,鼠标力学是少数几个可以使用生物测量学进行连续验证的领域之一。In addition, mouse dynamics is one of the few fields where biometrics can be used for continuous authentication.

此外,击键力学是使用生物测量学进行连续身份验证的少数领域之一。In addition, keystroke dynamics is one of the few fields where biometrics can be used for continuous authentication.

分析者说,生物测定器也节省了餐厅雇人来监督员工出勤情况的钱。The biometrics also save the chains money by removing the need for managers to oversee staff attendance, analysts say.

生物特征识别技术包括人脸识别,指纹识别,声纹识别等。The modern technology of Biometrics consists of face recognition, fingerprint recognition, speaker recognition and so on.

研究目标是开发出一种基础设施,使生物测量可在政府、银行、医疗卫生事业以及机场安保的场合使用。The goal is to develop an infrastructure for using biometrics for government, banking, health and airport security applications.

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在过去的九年时间里,海军陆战队不断的将生物特征识别应用在伊拉克和阿富汗地区以辨识敌友。Over the past nine years, the Marines have made increasing use of biometrics to distinguish friend from foe in Iraq and Afghanistan.

生物识别技术就可以派上用场,看来军方花了大力气将指纹作为人员身份和来源的依据。That's where biometrics come in. It seems that the military is making a big effort to get fingerprints as a point of context and identification.

生物识别技术产业的法宝是扫描机理,在大众过境的时代能为社会所接受,而且百分百精确。The holy grail of the biometrics industry is a scanning mechanism that is socially acceptable in an era of mass transit and 100 per cent accurate.

生物识别是通过计算机及先进的扫描技术,利用人体某些生理特征的唯一性进行识别。Biometrics is computerized and advanced scanning technology, the use of human physiological characteristics of the uniqueness of the identification.

但是,如果数据是明确地从生物特征识别设备发往活动目录服务器,那就像是通过网络发送未暴露的密码一样。But if it's sent in the clear from the biometrics device to the Active Directory server, it's just like sending an unexposed password over the wire.

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在整个签证有效期内,您只需留取一次指纹,从而可以避免续签短期签证时多次留取指纹。You need only enrol your biometrics once for the whole period of the VISA, avoiding the numerous enrolments associated with renewing short-TERM VISAs.

她说,“以前售卖生物识别产品的公司都主要做政府生意,但现在已有不少公司转而把重点放在商用产品上了。”“There has been a group of biometrics vendors who have shifted away from working with governments and focused instead on commercial products,” she says.

根据与陆军负责企业信息系统的计划执行办公室签订的一份价值3700万美元的合同,科学应用国际公司将为陆军维护和提高生物测定仪工具提供工程化保障。Science Applications International Corp. will provide engineering support to help the Army maintain and enhance a biometrics toolset under a $37 million contract.